Landscaping Regulation | HPC Training | Wisconsin Historical Society

Guide or Instruction

Landscaping Design Guidelines

Chapter 8: Preservation Commission Design Guidelines, Page 4 of 8

Landscaping Regulation | HPC Training | Wisconsin Historical Society

Landscaping features and outbuildings are often significant aspects of a property and contribute to the surrounding setting, which plays a key role in defining a district's character. While general landscaping activities usually are not reviewed by commissions unless character-defining features are affected, a major alteration or addition to a property's landscape or outbuildings can be regulated under design guidelines to ensure that a district's historic character remains intact.

Identify Character-Defining Features

When creating landscaping design guidelines, the commission should identify features that are important to a given district's character. Some elements to consider include:

  • Driveway and parkway design
  • Street lamps
  • Fences and walls (such as historic retaining walls)
  • Walkways
  • Street signs

Considerations for Outbuildings

Historic outbuildings such as garages and barns should be preserved and maintained. Construction of new outbuildings should be compatible with the surrounding buildings and the character and period of the neighborhood.

Considerations for Plantings

Although landscape plantings do not commonly require approval, design guidelines can provide suggestions so property owners will have a general idea of how to best maintain the historic setting of their property. Owners typically appreciate such helpful suggestions and often follow them. Here are some design suggestions:

  • Use traditional landscape plants native to the area
  • Maintain historic trees whenever possible and try not to remove historic or early landscaping
  • Follow the historically traditional landscape of the neighborhood
  • Avoid concealing the architectural features of the historic building