143 N ARCH ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
143 N ARCH ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:William J. Bernd House
Other Name:
Reference Number:47056
Location (Address):143 N ARCH ST
County:St. Croix
City:New Richmond
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1907
Survey Date:1983
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Queen Anne
Structural System:
Wall Material:Clapboard
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Bernd, William J., House
National Register Listing Date:5/31/1988
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:Multiple Resources of New Richmond
Additional Information:This 2 story residence has clapboard exterior fabric and a rectangular plan. The hip roof has asphalt shingles covering it and gable wall dormers. There are endboards and a plain frieze under the eaves. All windows have wood frames with entablature heads. The front gable wall dormer is pedimented and has sunburst woodwork beneath fishscakes, There is a square leaded glass window here. The second story facade has 2 symmetrically placed window with a diamond shaped leaded glass pattern in the upper pane. There is a Queen Anne picture window with leaded glass in the top portion on the 1st story. The entry on the N. part of the rE. facade has a door with leaded glass window and frame with an entablature head. The full front porch has a hip roof with asphalt shingles covering it. On the North part of this roof is a pedimented gable with fishscales. It is about one third the length of the porch. There are small dentils beneath the eaves. Porch columns are fluted, round and tapering. Two pilasters aer on the front of the house under the porch. The columns have capitals and extend down until they meet the clapboard covered porch railing. Beneath this is a wood water line and rock faced foundation, both of which extend around the perimeter of the home. The porch base also has wood lattice between the foundations supports. On the south side of the house is a 2 story bay window. The 1st story part of this has corner windows and a central leaded glass one. There is sawn wood ornament with pendant above the corner window. The second story part of this projection is swquared at the corners. It ends at a pedimentd gable with sunburst wood work. To the West of this is a side porch with fluted round columns and dentils under the hip roof. A door with an entablature head is under the porch. At the rear or West side of the residence there is a gable with shingled returns. What looks like it could have been a small summer kitchen or mud room addition has one story with a gable roof. There is a small square window and a door on it. Another door is on the north side near the back of the house. A two story projection (wider than the south side bay window) is here beneath another pedimented gable with sunburst wood work. A second story Queen Anne leaded glass picture window is on the East corner of this side. This residence is in excellent condition. It has retained its original integrity. The house fits in nicely with the surrounding homes, all of them built after the 1899 tornado. The back yard is borderd by the Willow River and on the south side is the Friday Memorial Library and Glover Park. Landscaping is minimal and there are no outbuildings. Significance This is an excellent example of post Victorian architecture sometimes called Princess Anne. It has the characteristic asymmetrical roof line and massing as well as simpler wood trim and window treatment than is found in Victorian era Queen Anne residences. This is a clawsic example of the style in New Richmond. It has architectural sighificance because it is such an excellent example of a style popular soon after the turn of the century. Many post tornado (1899) residences were built in this style in New Richmond but none remain with as much integrity Historical Significance A hardware store for many years. It has no historical significance since it is not associated with the lives of significant people or events.
Bibliographic References:
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".