350 W 2ND ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

350 W 2ND ST

Architecture and History Inventory
350 W 2ND ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Erick J. Thompson House
Other Name:
Reference Number:47969
Location (Address):350 W 2ND ST
County:St. Croix
City:New Richmond
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1894
Survey Date:1983
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Queen Anne
Structural System:
Wall Material:Aluminum/Vinyl Siding
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Thompson, Erick J., House
National Register Listing Date:5/31/1988
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:Multiple Resources of New Richmond
Additional Information:Aluminum siding is the exterior fabric on this 2 1/2 story Queen Anne style residence. The foundation is rockfaced and there is a basement. The roof is a hip roof with a box cornice, gables and a turret. Ornate dentil moldings are under the eave. A narrow pent roof separates the stories. The north (front) and part of the west side are covered by a one story wrap around porch. This has a hip roof and a low pitched gable on the eat part of the front. This gable has dentils and sawn wood scroll work on the front. The porch also has a dentil and ornamental trim on the frieze.

The six porch columns and two pilsters are square and have sawn wood scrolls at the top. The foundation has wood lattice work over it. There is no railing.

The front has a turret dormer with conical roof and three windows. This is at the top of the hip roof. Slightly below and east of this is a pedimented clipped gable dormer. This is a 1 window (or bay) wide 2nd story projection. Four windows face the north on this section. A 1/1 window with entablature head is in the gable. There are dentil moldings and a fan-shaped woodwork ehre. Wet of this on the second story is a window with a rectangular bottom and a pair of arched panes on the top. This has a wood frame with an elaborate entablature head. A corner window is west of this. The front first story has a window at the east part and a double door west of this. A Queen Anne picture window is to the est of the doors. It has an ornamental woodwork frame.

The east side of this residence has two first story windows, one ear each edge. The second story has two windows at the south edge and one at the north. Between this is a 1 1/2 story box oriel window. This has two windows, one on the second story and one halfway between the stories. This window area projects down lower than the oriel and has a bracket below it. Above this is a flat head Palladian window. The west side of the house has a first story window at the north edge. South of this is a two story bay window. Above the bay is a dormer with a pedimented and clipped gable roof. A first story entry is at the south edge of this side.

There are two outbuildings in the SE part of the property. A garage with shiplap siding has a rectangular plan and gable roof. It is 1 1/2 stories. An older carriage house matched the residence in style. It is also 1 1/2 stories and has clapboard siding. The roof is a clipped gable one. The gable is pedimented and has a window. Two large doors (with windows) that swing open ae below this. See SC35-11.

The house is a corner lot and is larger and more elaborate in detail than those in the same neighborhood. It is none of the moer ornately detailed residences in New Richmond. In size and styling it would be more appripriate on West First Street than its location on West Second. Landscaping consists of trees, bushes and evergreens, many of which are lcose to the house. This obscures the view from the street in the summer. It does give a verb picturesque view. Even with siding this residence has kept most of it original architectural integrity.

This late 19th century Queen Anne residence represents an excellent local example of the style. The ornamental woodwork, turret, dormer, bay and oriel windows and wrap around porch all combine to give a visually pleasing appearance to this residence. It stands out as the best and most intact Queen Anne in the community.

This house was owned by John V. F. McNally from 1900 until 1912 when he built on 112 South Dakota Avenue (SC20-3).

William F. was born on March 19, 1860 in Emerald, Wisconsin. He was a Catholic of Irish descent and attended St. Johns University in Collegeville, Minnesota. He taught school and later read law in the offices of Glover and Vanatta in Hudson. In 1884 he was practicing law with Frank Fuller in New Richmond (see office SC25-7, 102 N. Knowles Avenue). In 1888 he married Stella Murphy of Hammond.

William F. and brother Miles P. bought into the New Richmond roller mills. They were company attornies. Another brother John was a manager in the mills. William F. wa also in business with his brother-in-lwa W.J. Murphy. He was vice president of "The Minneapolis Tribune," president of Crookston Waterworks, Light & Power, a major mill investor, and New Richmond Power share-holder. He was director and president of Manufacturers Bank and a director of the Bank of New Richmond. Politically he was a democrat and served as city attorney and in 1896-1898 mayor.

Stella McNally lived to be 102. She was instrumental in setting up New Richmond's park system. In 1930 she donated two parks (Mary and Marita) and presented the city with a comprehensive park plan (never carried out).

This residence is locally interesting for its association with the McNally family. They are usually thought of in connection with the house they lived in later at 112 South Dakota Avenue (SC20-3). While the McNally's were prominent businessmen and civic leaders there appears to be no specific event or occurance of significance that can be associated with the family.
Bibliographic References:A. J. McNally - former resident. New Richmond Walking Tour brochure, 2000.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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