140 S MONROE AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
140 S MONROE AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:St. Francis Xavier Cathedral
Other Name:St. Francis Xavier Cathedral
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:2080
Location (Address):140 S MONROE AVE
City:Green Bay
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1876
Additions: 1917 1903 1959
Survey Date:20082022
Historic Use:church
Architectural Style:Romanesque Revival
Structural System:Unknown
Wall Material:Brick
Architect: E. Brielmaier and Sons (cathedral towers); E. Brielmaier and Sons (Builder); Adolphus Druiding
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Historic Preservation. Photo code #3: 75BR-12/22,23. Excellent example with a raised cut stone foundation topped by a cut stone water table. Large two-story tall cruciform plan which has a large polygonal apse on the west-facing facade. Two very tall square twin steeples dominate the main or east-facing facade. The towers of the steeples rise to the cornice line of the main roof and have corbel tables below the cornice. Above the two rise the lanterns with paired semi-circular arched openings for the bell chambers inside found on each of the four facades. Each facade of the lantern also has a small central gable with a circular opening echoing the large circular window in the center of the main facade. The spires which terminate the steeples are a later and more elaborate addition designed by E. Brielmaier and Sons, architects in Milwaukee. The spires are identical octagonal belvederes with round arched openings, having cut stone columns with cushion capitals, the whole surmounted by a domed roof having a copper cornice. The main facade between the steeples on the east-facing facade has a large circular window with a single circular window surrounded by eight equal-size circular windows placed inside. This was originally placed over the single semi-circular arched entrance door which was later covered by a fine hipped-roof entrance vestibule with triple semi-circular arched entrance doors. All windows in the church are semi-circular arched as are the corbel tables below all roof cornices throughout, including the later entrance porch. Large shed roof aisles flank the nave and terminate against the north and south facing transepts. The importance of the Roman Catholic Church is symbolized by this impressive and largely intact Romanesque Revival church building. The cathedral, with its massive brick walls, round arched windows, doors, and corbel tables, is characteristic of the middle period of this style. The church is also significant for its impressive interior and stained glass. Over the years, additions have been made, including the open octagonal spires placed atop the original lanterns of the steeples and the addition of enclosed porches on both the main and south-facing facades. These additions, however, have been made with sensitivity to the original design and are in keeping with the whole. HISTORIC BACKGROUND In 1851, German and Dutch Catholics attending Green Bay's first Catholic Church, St. John the Evangelist, requested that a second church be organized in the city which would serve the special needs of these two groups. Bishop John Martin Henni of Milwaukee gave his permission, and the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin was founded in 1854. The first church was built in that year. In 1868, the Diocese of Green Bay was created with the Rev. Joseph Melcher as the first Bishop. Being of German heritage, he chose St. Mary's as his cathedral church. The Bishop's Residence at 1395 S. Madison Street (BR 108/33) was built for Bishop Melcher in 1870. Bishop Francis Xavier Krautbauer succeeded Bishop Melcher on his death in 1875. Krautbauer was responsible for building the Cathedral Church the following year, and its consecration in 1881 as the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier, named after the original mission of that name founded by the Jesuits in 1671. Old St. Mary's was demolished after the construction of the new cathedral. Cathedral built 1876-81; belvedere towers designed by E. Brielmaier & Sons built in 1903; apse built in 1917; entrance wings built in 1959 Determination of Eligibility completed for the St. Francis Xavier Cathedral Complex in October 2008 Green Bay Intensive Survey Phases 2, 3 & 4
Bibliographic References:A. Sanborn maps B. Plaque near building. C. Harry Hemming, History of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1896, pp. 575-583, 1138-39. Green Bay Press Gazette 2/18/2009, p. B-8.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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