401 E ROBERTA DR | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
401 E ROBERTA DR | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Waukesha Senior High School South Campus
Other Name:Waukesha South High School
Reference Number:227814
Location (Address):401 E ROBERTA DR
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1957
Additions: 1968
Survey Date:2014
Historic Use:elementary, middle, jr.high, or high
Architectural Style:Contemporary
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Architect: Ebling, Plunkett & Keymar; Ebling Plunkett Keymar & Reginato (1968)
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:This educational facility consists of two primary periods of building, in 1957 and 1968. Later additions date to 1979 and 1983. The building’s original 1957 elevations are evident along the complex’s west and north facades, with the original building entrance located along E. Roberta Drive and immediately behind a circular drive. The two-story, flat-roofed entrance block is, like the rest of the building, largely sheathed with brick; however, a large stone inset rests alongside a largely multi-light window wall that is set above the multiple-door entry. Metal letters on the stone inset spell out “Waukesha High School, South Campus.” The initial, two-story academic classroom block south of the entrance block (facing west) consists of regularly spaced, multiple-light windows (on both floors) with a central awning opening. The remainder of the original southward-extending wing consists of curtain walls of glass with metal spandrel panels running along the mid-section of the wall. A multiple-door entry is located closer to the south end of the wing. The 1968 wing extends from the south end of the original 1957 block and includes tall and narrowly set windows with porcelain enamel spandrel panels at the center and beneath the roof’s eave. Extending to the east from the original block is a one-story, shop and music wing that fronts the round-arched field house that rises from behind it. The later additions to the building have been made to the rear (south).

The initial block of Waukesha Senior High School/Waukesha South High School was completed in December 1957. The historical development of the Waukesha public school system is covered in “Spring City’s Past,” the title of the 1982 survey report. Pertaining to high school education specifically, high school courses were added as early as 1872; however, it was not until 1880 that a full high school curriculum was offered. In 1889, a new, purpose-built high school was built on the 400 block of N. Grand Avenue (no longer extant). In 1920, a new high school replaced it (extant but altered and now serves as Les Paul Middle School and carries an address of 400 N. Grand Avenue). In response to an expanding population, Waukesha South High School (for juniors and seniors), designed by the Milwaukee firm of Ebling, Plunkett & Keymar, was completed in 1957 at an approximate cost of $2,297,052. Although classes began on 2 December, much of the educational facility was not yet finished, including, among other spaces, the auditorium, cafeteria and library. The first game to be held in the 3,000-seat field house was on 14 February 1958. In 1968, a 33-room, $320,000 academic wing addition was made to the school. In 1975, and in response to the overcrowding at South High, a new high school, Waukesha North, was built at 2222 Michigan Avenue. Waukesha South received more additions in 1979 (driver’s education, a science wing and the auto shop room) and Sophomores/10th graders were added to the building; in 1983, the library was expanded. Ten years later, Waukesha South also included Freshmen/9th graders. The building remains in use as Waukesha South.
Bibliographic References:“Spring City’s Past,” (the 1981-82 Waukesha survey report), 51-53; Ebling, Plunkett & Keymar, “Waukesha Senior High School,” Original plans, 28 February 1956, On file at the WAA; Original permit for 401 E. Roberta Avenue, 15 June 1956; Ebling, Plunkett, Keymar & Reginato, “Waukesha High School, South campus Addition,” 31 May 1967, Plans on file at the Wisconsin Architectural Archive, Milwaukee Public (Central) Library; Permit for addition (191’ x 92’), 26 July 1967; ‘The History of South High,” Prepared by former South High Assistant Principal Mr. Shoemaker, Information available online at www.waukeshasouth.com/South/history.shtml, Accessed April 2014.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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