223 OAKLAND AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
223 OAKLAND AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Buchner Park Bathhouse and Pool
Other Name:
Reference Number:227992
Location (Address):223 OAKLAND AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1967
Survey Date:20142020
Historic Use:bath house
Architectural Style:Contemporary
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Architect: Ralph H. Burke, Inc. (Park Ridge, IL)
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:This one-story, 1960s Contemporary-style bathhouse is rectangular in shape and is topped with a flat roof. The majority of the facility is sheathed with tan brick; however, both the northwest and southwest corners are comprised of red brick. The central entrance is just slightly shorter in height that that of the remainder of the roofline and is comprised of two sets of original, glass double doors; a narrow transom is located above. A narrow line of windows runs beneath the roofline to either side of the slightly projecting entry; the remainder of the west elevation is devoid of fenestration. The pool side of the facility includes four groupings of narrow windows immediately beneath the eave and at the center of the building, while the north office is comprised of a central section of clear glass with original turquoise, metal spandrel panels above and below.

The existing Buchner Park Bathhouse was built in 1967 and replaced the facility that had preceded it. Buchner Park was established in 1915, following a 5-acre donation of land to the city by real estate developer John P. Buchner. Buchner died in 1923 and an additional 3.7 acres was added to the parcel. Three years later, the condition of the parcel was considered “wild” and local businessman Charles Schuetze spent his own money to have drawings prepared to illustrate the needed improvements to the park. Following presentation to the city, the City Council created a park board, with Schuetze as the Chairman. In 1927, two tennis courts were built in the park and, the following year, a swimming pool was completed. In 1949, repairs and alterations were made to the earlier bathhouse by Waukesha architect Sylvester Snyder.

In 1966, it was decided to replace the former bathhouse. They city contracted with Ralph H. Burke, Inc., of Park Ridge, Illinois, a firm with a reputation for the design of aquatic-related structures. Based on correspondence, engineer Glen Intermill appears to have been the principal of the firm that was directly involved with the construction of the $200,000 building. In 1996, the facility’s bathrooms were remodeled to meet ADA requirements. A review of the city’s pools was completed in 2003. Consideration was given to building anew at a new location; however, the ultimate decision was to retain the Buchner Park facility and 7-lane pool and build an improved facility at Horeb Park, where the previous pool and bathhouse dated to 1955.

Resurveyed in 2020. Appearance unchanged.
Bibliographic References:Original permit dated 9 December 1966. The history of Buchner Park is summarized from the information presented in “Spring City’s Past,” 76; Although not cited, additional park history is included in Linda Hansen, “The First Waukesha City Parks,” in Landmark 57/1 (Spring 2014), 23-27; Permit for 223 Oakland Avenue (repairs/alterations), 6 May 1949. Permit for ADA alterations, 27 February 1996; “City Keeping Aging Pools Afloat, Firm Says,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8 April 2003, Waukesha County edition, 4B.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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