605 S PRAIRIE AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
605 S PRAIRIE AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Other Name:
Reference Number:228045
Location (Address):605 S PRAIRIE AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1937
Additions: 1999
Survey Date:2014
Historic Use:cemetery building
Architectural Style:English Revival Styles
Structural System:
Wall Material:Stone Veneer
Architect: Kloppenburg & Butterfield
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Oriented to the north, this one-story building is Tudor Revival in style and is sheathed with Lannon stone and topped with a slate-shingle roof. The primary wooden entry door is left (east) of center and is set within a projecting gable that is trimmed in Bedford stone. Two, paired, multiple-light, leaded-glass windows are located west of the entry, while a single and larger, leaded-glass window is situated to the left (east). Parapet end walls define each end of the gabled roof. Both the east and south elevations feature similar, multiple-light windows and a second human-scale entry is found to the east. That entrance is sheltered by a wood-frame, open porch with wooden timber trim. A similar porch enclosure was more recently added to the primary (north) entrance. The building’s west elevation is comprised of overhead doors that access garage and storage space. Original plans indicate that the interior of the U-shaped building consisted of a chapel (west of the north entrance); general office (east of the entry); a vault and the Superintendent’s Office along the east, center; restroom and lounge (at the southeast); and a garage to the southwest. In 1999, the void of the original U-shaped building was infilled for an additional office space, as well as storage. Although cosmetic changes have been made to the interior and the women’s lounge is also now an office space, interior spacing remains largely intact. The chapel also retains its stone surround fireplace (it has since been converted from wood-burning to gas), wooden ceiling beam trim, lectern and window seats to either side of the fireplace. The chapel was remodeled in 1967, at which time the original pews were replaced.

Designed by the Milwaukee firm of Kloppenburg & Butterfield, this structure was built in 1937 as the Prairie Home Cemetery Administration Building & Chapel, the function of which it continues to serve today. The first official burial on the grounds is recorded as occurring in 1849; however, evidence suggests earlier burials exist. The land upon which the cemetery was created was that of Nathaniel Walton, who sold the village 3 acres in 1864. Shortly thereafter, an additional 5 acres was added; those 8 acres comprise the property’s “Old Section.” Since that time, the grounds have expanded to 66 acres, all of which is surrounded by a 1920s-era iron fence, with stone pillars identifying the two primary entrances. Until 1896, the cemetery was run by the Town Board. Since that time, the city has operated the facility. Until 1915, lots were given free to city residents. In 1937, the administration and chapel building was erected. Thirty years later, the chapel was “updated” and, in 1999, an additional office and storage space was added to the west side of the building (which enclosed the earlier small courtyard space), thus making the building a relative rectangle.
Bibliographic References:Kloppenburg & Butterfield, “Administration Building & Chapel for the Prairie Home Cemetery Commission,” Original plans, 24 May 1937, On file at the Wisconsin Architectural Archive, Milwaukee Public (Central) Library. Original permit dated 27 July 1937; est. cost, $22,525. On 4 September 1985, a permit was taken out for alterations done by DeQuardo & Associates. In 1999, the void between the original garage wing and the chapel was infilled to provide for an office and storage space. Date of addition provided by cemetery staff. Prairie Home Cemetery History, Available online at www.prairiehomecemetery.com/History.html, Accessed June 2014.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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