4716 S BUSINESS DR | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
4716 S BUSINESS DR | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Gottlieb & Wilhelmina Schleider House
Other Name:
Reference Number:229349
Location (Address):4716 S BUSINESS DR
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1875
Survey Date:2014
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Gabled Ell
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Rising from a fieldstone foundation, this two-story, gabled ell is sheathed with brick. A frame-and-screen-enclosed porch is located within the ell juncture. Windows throughout the front-facing block are one-over-one-light sashes and segmentally arched; first-floor examples are topped with soldier brick headers and additionally topped with corbeled brickwork. Sills are (replacement?) brick and underscored with corbeled brick. Additional brickwork delineates the first and second levels of the wing. Two small windows are located above the porch.

Although a house was on this property by no later than 1862 (owned by William Heyer), the parcel was purchased between 1863 and 1864 by German-born Gottlieb Schleider, who moved to the Town of Wilson from New York and built the subject brick house by no later than 1874. Indeed, the 1875 plat map includes an illustration of the Schleider farm, which reportedly included a number of outbuildings. Gottlieb and Wilhelmina had no less than seven children and, as of 1880, five of them still resided at home. Notably, Charles (age 30), was a carpenter and the youngest, Earnest (age 13), was the only child that was born in Wisconsin. Plat maps indicate that the property was sold to Town of Wilson native William Meggers by no later than 1902. In 1894, he wed Lena Schuetz and they remained on the farm until circa 1936. It remained in the Meggers family through at least 1951.
Bibliographic References:C. Palmer, Map of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin (Np: G.A. Randall & C. Palmer, 1862); Illustrated Historical Atlas of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin (Oshkosh, WI: G.A. Randall & Co., 1875); Plat Book of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin (Minneapolis: C.M. Foote & J.W. Henion, 1889); Illustrated Historical Atlas of Sheboygan County (1902); Atlas of Sheboygan County (1916, 1941); Plat Book of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin (Rockford, IL: W.W. Hixson & Co., 1930); Farm and Land Ownership Plat Book of Sheboygan County (1951); U.S. Federal Census, 1880, Population, Available online at www.Ancestry.com, Accessed November 2014; “William E. Meggers Dies Sunday Night; Rites Wednesday,” The Sheboygan Press, 17 June 1940, page 2. A cursory (spot) review of tax rolls for various years between 1863 and 1876, indicate a notable rise in valuation between 1868 ($1210) and 1871 ($1780) and again by 1874 ($2,800), Tax Rolls, Town of Wilson.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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