10429 STH 27 | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

10429 STH 27

Architecture and History Inventory
10429 STH 27 | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Riverside Motel
Other Name:
Reference Number:229980
Location (Address):10429 STH 27
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1955
Survey Date:20152014
Historic Use:hotel/motel
Architectural Style:
Structural System:
Wall Material:
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:2014- "The Riverside Motel is an "L" shaped complex comprised of three distinct pruts, the first two of which were associated with the original motel operation. The first is a linear component that is sheathed with stucco, contains the original ten motel rooms and extends in a straight line from the n01th nmthwest to the south southeast. It is parallel to STH 27 and has a gently pitched, shed roof with a prominent eave. The roof slopes east to west. Each room is defined by a modern, casement window and a door with decorative, vertically placed boards directly above. At the south southeast end of that building, and projecting to the east northeast is the second component, a two-story structure that contains both the motel office and a rental apartment upstairs. It is also characterized by a stucco finish on the first floor, but the second-floor gables are sheathed with vertical board. Each of the two roof planes has a prominent gabled dormer clad with clapboard. This building component also has ornamentation, including bargeboards and pendants, that convey a sense of Alpine-type character. Projecting to the west southwest of the original ten rooms is the third element, a linear addition that faces the Namekagon River to the south southeast and contains five more rooms. Entry doors are on the north northwest side of that building, while sliding patio doors and a porch face the river. Built to take advantage of the growing recreational interest in the Hayward area, Harry Watral in 1955 moved to the community, married Marion Leisch and constructed the Riverside Motel. The Watrals are understood to have sold the property circa 1960, after their son Wayne was born. Ownership following the Watrals is uncertain, although sometime in the 1960s or 70s the second floor was added to the originally flat-roofed office building. The wing facing the Namekagon River, with its five rooms, was also constructed in the 1970s. Horst and Elisabeth Braeuner bought the business in 1995. They added the dormers to the second floor of the office building, as well as all of the Alpine detailing. They recently remodeled that second floor area into a 700+ square foot suite." - "STH 27, Michigan Avenue to Railroad Street", WisDOT ID #8140-00-00, Prepared by Heritage Research, Ltd. (Vogel) (2014). Previous owners include Lilly and Gunther Schmidt, Bonnie and Bon Schweitzer, and Elisabeth Braeuner.
Bibliographic References:Directory of Hotels and Tourist Rooming Houses in Wisconsin (Madison, WI: State Board of Health, 1955).
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".