215-217 N 3RD ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

215-217 N 3RD ST

Architecture and History Inventory
215-217 N 3RD ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Other Name:
Reference Number:48011
Location (Address):215-217 N 3RD ST
County:St. Croix
City:New Richmond
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1892
Additions: 2009
Survey Date:19832018
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Queen Anne
Structural System:Unknown
Wall Material:Clapboard
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:This 2 story residence has clapboard exterior fabric. The main part of the house has a hip roof with a front gable. An ell and rear addition have gable roofs. A rockfaced foundation covers the 1/2 basillica shaped plan. There is a plain frieze, box cornice and endboards. Window frames are wood.

The front or south side has a gable with shingled returns on the east half. A semicircular window with sunburst pattern woodwork around it is in this gable. Below this is a paired 1/1 window.

The first story has a Queen Anne window (with new glass) underneath this window. The front entry is west of this. It is a one story stoop porch with a gable roof. The roof has the gable end facing the road and is the width of half the front. A door and a square window are below this. Another square window is on the second story above the porch.

The west side has irregular placment of windows. An ell on the west side has a gable with the same window and sunburst pattern that is in the front. A paired second story window and three part picture window on the first story are here. The south side of the ell has an entry under a shed roofed stoop porch. A window on each floor is south of this (on the main body of the house). North of the ell is a 1 1/2 story rear addition. Another entry is there.

This is one of the better examples of post-Victorian design found in the north section of the city. The front porch eetracts from its integrity. It is also a very common style of which better examples exist. This one has no architectural significance.

Easton's History of St. Croix Valley notes that Chris K. Willa "recently built a fine residence net to the hotel and retired from active management of the business." The hotel was the Scandia House (or hotel) and was located on teh NW corner of Third Street and Pierce. This would be the house west of the hotel. The house north of the hotel site appears to be older than 1909 when the book was published. The style of this residence fits the 1900-1910 era.

Willa was a native of Norway. He was born in 1853 and came to the U.S. in 1880. He lived in La Crosse and then New Richmond. Willa worked in the lumber mills. For 24 years he operated Scandia House as a boarding house for the mill workers. A news account in 1895 noted that the Scandia House was being used for community functions instead of the Lutheran Churches nearby (see SC33-13, 354 North Third Street for the one church remaining).

Willa married Elena Voge in the 1870's. They had a daughter Helma. Willa was also a musician who "made considerable money" playing for local affairs. One of the first settlers in the north or Scandanavian sections of town, he also served as alderman and was active in the Norwegian Church.

Although he provided housing for many of the Scandanavian workers and was an alderman, there is no mention of Willa being a community leader of outstanding value. This house has no historical value. Scandia House (torn down) would have been a possibly significant structure for its ethnic associations and Willa's role in it.
Bibliographic References:
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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