165 E PARK AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
165 E PARK AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Deville L. Harkness House
Other Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:48767
Location (Address):165 E PARK AVE
County:Green Lake
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1875
Survey Date:1991
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Italianate
Structural System:Balloon Frame
Wall Material:Aluminum/Vinyl Siding
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Nathan Strong Park Historic District
National Register Listing Date:5/10/2005
State Register Listing Date:1/21/2005
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:Another map code is 2/32, found on the DOT map.

This two story house displays elements from both the Italianate and Queen Anne styles. It features an irregular shaped plan configuration, a stone foundation, a vinyl sided exterior, a wood trim and an asphalt shingled hip roof. Presently in good condition, the house is related to a pergola (GL23/6) and a carriage house (GL 23/7).

Architectural/Engineering Significance:

This structure contributes to the significance of the Nathan Strong Park Historic District under Criterion C as an excellent example of an Italianate Frame house with its original bracketed cornice and bay window, peaked window surrounds and paneled corner boards - all of which remains intact. In the early 1900's a Tuscan columned wrap around veranda was added in place of the original front porch. This is a fine example of an Italianate Bracketed style upper-middleclass house of the 1870's. The vinyl siding now covering the wood siding was obscured so as not to detract from any of the decorative wood trim. The house has a fine original frame carriage shed in the rear and the grounds contain good Tuscan-columned pergola dating from the early 1900's.

Historical Background:

This house was built in 1875 by Deville L. Harkness , a successful Berlin businessman. He was a superintendent of the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad and the general manager of the Berlin Woolen Mill. Later on, he served as Berlin's fire chief as well as the mayor from 1891 to 1892. [1].

In 1897, the house was sold to John and Matie Rosa who in 1908 sold it to Fred Wright. Mr. Wright worked at his father's flour mill prior to operating Stillman Wright Enterprises with his brother Charles. In 1931 Fred Wright founded the Berlin Finance Company, which lasted until the start of the United States involvement wht World War Two. After the war he helped with the reorganization of the First National Bank of Berlin. [1].

Fred's son, Robert, acquired the house when his parents died. He was the President of the First National Bak of Berlin from 1943 to his death in 1969. Mrs. Wright sold the house two years later in 1971 to Jeffery Walker. [1].
Bibliographic References:1. Gillett, p. 40-42. Victorian Walking Tours, Berlin, Wisconsin's Walking Tour of Beautiful Victorian Homes, undated.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".