4105 Main St | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

4105 Main St

Architecture and History Inventory
4105 Main St | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Elsa and Owen Carl
Other Name:
Reference Number:49591
Location (Address):4105 Main St
Unincorporated Community:Fish Creek
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1926
Survey Date:19922014
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Side Gabled
Structural System:Balloon Frame
Wall Material:Drop Siding
Architect: Carl Oldenberg (builder)
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Elsa and Owen Carl of Lawrence, Kansas purchased the land from Ferdinand Hotz. Carl Oldenberg of Bailey's Harbor built the buildings in 1926 for the Carls. The well on the property was dug by Walter Zachow. Originally, water was pumped to a tank in the rafters of the pumphouse by a gasoline motor. Running water in the house was provided by gravity from the pumphouse. Energy and light were provided by gasoline, kerosine lamps, and candles. Electricity was installed in the 1930s. In 1936, another room was added on to the kitchen for hired help. At an unknown date, the garage was lengthened to accomodate boats. The Carls, a family of six, spent three months in the cottage every summer.

It is a locally significant example of a modest summer cottage. The three buildings, house, garage, and pumphouse, are all in excellent condition, and are situated in a setting which also maintains its integrity.

This cottage is a side gable building with an asphalt clad roof. The walls are drop siding pierced by casement windows. Also on the property are a gable front garage [39/20] and a one story cube pump house [39/21] both in the same siding.

It is a locally significant example of a modest summer cottage. The three buildings, house, garage, and pumphouse, are all in excellent condition, and are situated in a setting which also maintains its integrity.

Resurveyed March/April 2014; no visible changes.

2014- "This 1-story Side Gabled house [49591] was constructed in 1926. It is rectangular in plan with clapboard walls and an asphalt-shingled gable roof. The front elevation faces north and is asymmetrical in plan with a single doorway and two banks of three window openings (all of which were boarded over at the time of survey). The front door is accessed via a small wooden stoop with a shed roof overhang. Smaller gable-roofed projections are located on the east and west elevations.

The adjacent Front Gabled pump house [49581] was constructed in 1926. It is rectangular in plan with clapboard walls and an asphalt-shingled gable roof. The front elevation faces east and is asymmetrical in plan due to an off-center front door. A boarded-over window opening is located in the north side of the building.

The Front Gabled garage [49592] was also constructed in 1926. It is rectangular in plan with clapboard walls and an asphalt-shingled gable roof. A single wood paneled door is located in the west elevation and pair of hinged garage doors are located in the center of the east elevation."
-"STH 42: Bluff Lane (Gibraltar) to Country Walk Dr (Sister Bay), WisDOT#4140-19-00, Prepared by Gail Klein, (2014).
Bibliographic References:(A) Edward and Lois Schreiber, ed., Fish Creek Voices, An Oral History of a Door County Village, (Sister Bay, Wi: Wm Caxton Ltd.), 1990. (B) Door County Almanak No. 5: Tourism, Resorts, Transportation, (Sister Bay, Wi: The Dragonsbreath Press), 1990. (C) Erna Carl Gilliam, manuscript notes on history of the property.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".