9408 PINE ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

9408 PINE ST

Architecture and History Inventory
9408 PINE ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Norton Residence
Other Name:
Contributing: No
Reference Number:49672
Location (Address):9408 PINE ST
Unincorporated Community:Fish Creek
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1890
Survey Date:1992
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Front Gabled
Structural System:Unknown
Wall Material:Asbestos
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:#650: Garage, contributing. Historical Background This building was at one time owned by Rachel Norton, widow of Steven Norton. After she moved into her daughter's house, it was sold and later moved to the corner lot across from the Adventist Church. It is one of the oldest buildings in Fish Creek. It originally stood next to the gas station on Main Street. This property (the south 60' of lot 3, block 3 of Asa Thorp's Plat) was sold by Lydia nad Sylvester Wead to George Willey of Chicago in 1894. A quick claim deed, dated 8 September, 1898, from Eliza Kinsey, Sanford Kinsey, Jessie Kinsey, Martin Kinsey, Archie Kinsey, and Olson Kinsey to Willey also confirms this transfer. After transfers within the Willey family from 1899 through 1901, Laura Willey sold the property to Rachel Norton on 22 March, 1909. In 1926, Rachael Norton sold the property to Henry and Bertha Eckert. The Eckerts sold it to Carl and Linea Seiler and Henry and Minnie Stenzel in 1945. The Stenzels sold their share to the Seilers in 1954. The Seilers sold the property to John and Diane Redman on 18 June, 1968. Historical Significance This house is significant to the history of Fish creek as an intact example of late nineteenth century housing. Architectural Description This gable front house was constructed at the end of the 1890s on a site around the corner facing Main Street. The asphalt roof has eaves which return on the front elevation. The walls have been clad in aluminum siding which may obscure some Greek Revival details. Six-over-six double-hung wood sash windows are spaced evenly across the elevations. After the house was moved, a glassed-in front porch was added to the body of the building. Architectural Significance This house contributes to the architectural history of Fish Creek as an example of late nineteenth century housing with some hints of the Greek Revival style with later mid-1920s additions.
Bibliographic References:A. Edward and Lois Schreiber, editors, Fish Creek Voices, An Oral History of a Door County Village, (Sister Bay, WI: Wm Caxton Ltd), 1990. B. Door County Almanak No. 5: Tourism, Resorts, Transportation, (Sister Bay, WI: The dragonsbreath Press), 1990. C. Edward Schreiber, list of buildings that have been moved in Fish Creek. D. Door County Register of Deeds, book/page, 191/609, 99/452, 58/434, 40/60, 20/550, 18/123, Y/698, F (Quit claim)/386, 2 (quit claim)/697, 2 (QC)/626, 2/69.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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