457 N 4TH AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

457 N 4TH AVE

Architecture and History Inventory
457 N 4TH AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:M. Cochems House
Other Name:
Reference Number:49783
Location (Address):457 N 4TH AVE
City:Sturgeon Bay
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1896
Survey Date:1982
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Front Gabled
Structural System:Unknown
Wall Material:Clapboard
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:This plain "Homestead" style house is two storis in height and sheathed with clapboard. The window lintels and surrounds are plainly detailed as are the same elements of the doorway. Two over two light storm windows protect the inner glazing and an eight light storm door appears to be of early vintage also. The broad porch is the outstanding decorative feature of the gabled primary facade. The porch posts are built up in an "H" section with the center panel decorated with drill work. This motif is repeated in the porch entablature which is supported off the posts by ornate, scroll sawn brackets. A lattice apron surrounds the railingless porch and simple wood steps lead up to the porch floor. This simply designed building is virtually unaltered and, for this reason, is significant as the best example of this once common building style within the City. Nick Brust was in possession of the vacant lot above described until 1895. In 1895 M. Cochems acquired the property. Cochems constructed a building in 1896 which raised the value of the lot from $75 ton $500. Further improvements took place between 1897 and 1900 when the City tax reviews noted that his building was valued at $495, exclusive of the lot. Cochems came ton Wisconsin from Prussia in 1837. He was a Civil War veteran, serving with the Second Wisconsin Cavalry from 1861-1965. In 1874 he began a general store in Sturgeon Bay.
Bibliographic References:A. Tax Roll, City of Sturgeon Bay. B. Old House Journal, January, 1982. C. Western Historical, History of No. Wis., p. 258.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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