406 GRANT ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
406 GRANT ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:First Presbyterian Church
Other Name:
Reference Number:51013
Location (Address):406 GRANT ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1927
Survey Date:19832018
Historic Use:church
Architectural Style:Late Gothic Revival
Structural System:
Wall Material:Limestone
Architect: Childs and Smith
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Photo code #3: K-16/10,11

A fine example of Neo-Gothic Revival church design and the only illustration of the style in the city. The church features typicalm stylistic elements such as pointed arched windows, buttressing, and a tower with a crenelated parapet. The inspiration for the church is specifically English as evidenced by the buildings low proportions, tower placement and decorative details. Although an important example of the style in the city, the church's late dating (1927) requires more time before the significance of the structure can be properply evaluated.

The congregation was organized in 1858 by Rev. Charles Halsey. This is the third church built by the parish.

2018 survey report write-up:Faced with sandstone quarried in Stevens Point and trimmed with Bedford stone, this Neo-Gothic Revival-style church complex occupies nearly the full block, with a small garden area to the east and a large parking lot to the rear (north). The church proper anchors the complex at the west end and features a stone-trimmed, round-arched entrance portal with two pair of wood-and-glass doors set beneath multiple-light transoms. The remainder of the space above the entry consists of large focal window set within a pointed-arch and including stone tracery. Side walls of the church are delineated by buttressing which alternates with pointed-arch windows with tracery. A crenelated bell tower sits within the juncture between the church and the side-gabled wing of Sunday School rooms. Completing the U-plan of the complex is a steeply pitched, front-gabled hall wing with parapet ends that features a two-story window bay. Like the classroom wing, this unit is embellished with stone quoining around the multiple-light windows and the entire facility features copper gutters and roof ridge finish.

Designed by O.H. Briedert of the Chicago firm of Childs & Smith, First Presbyterian Church was completed in 1928; actual construction was completed by F.W. Krause. The congregation’s roots go back to 1858; however, reorganization took place in 1874. Within a few short years, a church was built on McClellan Street; however, in 1896, a new church was built at the northeast corner of 4th and Grant streets. That structure served the congregation until construction of the subject complex began in April 1927, prior to which the 1896 building was demolished. In the interim, membership worshipped in the Wausau Theater. The cornerstone was laid on 19 November 1927 and dedication services were held between 29 April and 6 May 1928. The nave provided for seating for 900 persons, with the gallery accommodating an additional 300 and the side chapel another 300. To the east of the church proper, the complex also included Sunday School rooms, a gymnasium, kitchen, dining rooms, as well as a ladies’ parlor. The final cost of the building was noted as $325,000. The First Presbyterian congregation continues to worship in the structure.
Bibliographic References:A. "The First Presbyterian Church, Wausau, Dedicatory Services," 1928. Wausau Daily herald 6/19/2002. Citations for 2018 survey report information below: “Presbyterians to Build Massive New Church Home,” Wausau Daily Record-Herald, 6 July 1926, 1/3; “Church Members Bid Farewell to Old Church Home,” Wausau Daily Record-Herald, 7 March 1927, 1/5; “Seal Copper Box Full of Records in Corner Stone,” Wausau Daily Record-Herald, 20 June 1927, 1/6, 9/1; “Presbyterians to Dedicate New Church April 29,” Wausau Daily Record-Herald, 21 April 1928, 14/5-6; “The First Presbyterian Church, Wausau, Dedicatory Services,” 1928, Copy in First Presbyterian Church files, Marathon County Historical Society Research Library.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".