101 BEASER AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
101 BEASER AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Other Name:
Reference Number:516
Location (Address):101 BEASER AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1872
Survey Date:2008
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Front Gabled
Structural System:
Wall Material:Asbestos
Architect: Antoine Perinier
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Small windows, 2/2 sash or 1/1 sash, and proportions indicate house of early date which features front bay window, return cornice and large evergreen trees on property.

2008-Since the 1982 survey card could not be located at the time of re-survey, a new card was prepared.

2008- "Rising from what appears to be a brownstone foundation, this two-story house is topped with a gabled roof with modest
returns and sheathed with asbestos shingles. A pair of wood-and-glass doors are located at the home's southeast corner,
which suggests that this house functions as a duplex. A small, three-sided bay window is located along the home's
northwest facade, while the remaining fenestration consists of double-hung sashes, the lower-level examples of which
carry three-over-one light windows.

Information included in the Wisconsin Architecture & History Database erroneously identifies this house as "the Beaser
House," constructed in 187 2 and built by local carpenter/builder Antoine Perinier. The citation for the information
references the local newspaper and the construction of the home (at 509 Beaser Avenue) of Captain Daniel Beaser-the
brother of Martin Beaser-not the subject house. The property, however, was in the possession of the Beaser family-as
was much of the west end of the city at the time. Based on its appearance, thehome is believed to date to circa 1870;
however, no solid information was found to substantiate the home's actual date of construction. Although earlier town
tax records are difficult to discern, city tax roll information from 1887 indicates the home was in the possession of Laura
(Beaser) Wilson, then the widow of James A. Wilson. Laura died in 1889 and, by 1890, her son Harry had obtained this
parcel. That same year, while living at this address, he served as the mayor of Ashland and was also involved in real
estate. By no later than 1893, the home's owners and occupants are identified as Arthur R. Osborn and his wife Etta
(Page) Osborn. Arthur and Etta were married in 1890, at which time Arthur was cited as a farmer. Arthur passed away
between 1897 and 1899, but his widow Etta remained in the home until at least 1935."
- "Beaser Ave, 18th St to Lake Shore Dr W", WisDOT ID #9952-14-00, Prepared by Heritage Research, Ltd (Schnell) (2008).
Bibliographic References:[A] ASHLAND PRESS AUGUST 10, 1872 [B] GUY BURNHAM LAKE SUPERIOR COUNTRY, P 249 Guy Burham writes that this house belonged to Beaser and was one of the earliest houses to survive from the 1870's. While this house could well date to 1872, this house is not the house that is cited in the 10 August 1872 newspaper. That 1872 house--the Captain Daniel Beaser Residence--is the house located at 509 Beaser Avenue. Tax rolls and city directories indicate that Laura Beaser Wilson did reside here for a time; this house is not considered to the Beaser homestead. The Beaser home is believed to have been log-constructed, not frame and is not believed to remain extant. Following Laura's death in 1889, the house was owned and occupied by her son Harry Beaser who, while residing here, served as the mayor of Ashland (1890-91). by 1893, the house was under the ownership of Arthur R. Osborn and his wife Etta.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".