724 DESNOYER ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
724 DESNOYER ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Helf and Brill Brewery
Reference Number:51772
Location (Address):724 DESNOYER ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1892
Additions: 1920
Survey Date:19832019
Historic Use:brewery
Architectural Style:Astylistic Utilitarian Building
Structural System:Wood Beam
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:Y
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' (Kaukauna Historic Properties) exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Historic Preservation-Public History.

The two story brick rectangular building has a stone foundation, glass block slipsill windows and a flat roof. The four story warehouse building located south of this structure is also part of this complex. Although the fenestration has been altered, enough of its integrity has been retained to convey its historical associations.

"This building is the last remaining structure which directly relates to an industry which was important to Kaukauna in years past - especially in the German ethnic community - but which has now disappeared locally: the brewing industry. The Helf family came to Kaukauna after the first railroad boom in the early 1860's, and in 1866 Jacob Helf, who had been born in Germany, opened a brewery on the south side, which grew to employ six men and three teams of horses by 1895, shipping to other communities in NE Wisconsin, manufacturing its own malt, and doing an immense trade in bottled beer. Jacob's biography noted that "as an active businessman he has no time for public work or politics, but does attend the Catholic Church actively" (A).

Following the second water power and railroad boom of the 1880's which resulted in the incorporation of the City of Kaukauna, many railroad and canal workers stayed on in Kaukauna to operate the transportation facilities or to work in the mills. In 1895 John Helf, who had been Jacob's partner in the south side Helf Bros. Brewery, opened a brewery on the north side in the building at 724 Desnoyer Street. The building was owned by Helf Brothers Brewing until 1905. During the heyday of the Helf Brothers' Breweries on both the north and south sides the family brought in new money from partners such as Charles Ristau, Humphrey Pierce, and John Brill to keep going during recessions or panics in the 1880's and 1890's.

From 1905-1920 the brewery at 724 Desnoyer Street was owned and operated by the John Regenfuss family, who had previously been in the hotel business at the Northwestern House in Appleton. The building remained vacant until 1933 when Arthur Jones and Theodore Oudenhoven purchased the old brewery and opened the Electric City Brewing Company, named for Kaukauna's nickname due to its strong hydroelectric municipal utility. The Electric City Brewert averaged 18,000 barrels per year of "Mellow Brew and Pilsener Club," with about 80% bottled and none canned. They remained in business until 1947 when the building again became vacant. At that point the brewing industry in Kaukauna became dormant. In the same year, 1947, German language services were discontinued at the German Lutheran Church.

Other Kaukauna brewers included Peter Dedrich, active in the 1850's; Michael Kline and Adam Hilz, active in the mid-1880's; and bottlers Lawrence Vanderberg (1890's) and Nicolas Thiesen (about 1910)." Walking Tour Through Old Kaukauna: Two Self-Guided Historic Tours Kaukauna, Wisconsin, City of Kaukauna, 1983.

In 1853 Clarkson Map Company moved into 724 Desnoyer Street. They had previously been located in Wausau. The firm makes road, county, street, and lake maps and the "Guide to Fun in Wisconsin." It is the largest map maker in Wisconsin.

OAHP INVENTORY (07/1981): {NOTE: the OAHP notes this building to be 729 Desnoyer St. and its date of construction as 1895.}
In 1875, John Helf terminated hs partnership with his brother Jacob and the brewery and opened a brewery in Kaukauna at 729 Desnoyer St. called the Helf and Brill Brewery. Jacob Helf was sole proprietor from 1897 to 1907. From 1907 to 1920 the building was the Regenfuss Brewery. The building remained vacant until 1933 when Arthur Jones and Theodore Oudenhoven purchased the old brewery and opened the Electrick City Brewing Co. The plant averaged 18,000 barrels per year of "Mellow Brew and Pilsener Club." Abot 80% was bottled, but none was canned. They remained in business until 1947. The building became vacant.

In 1953 Clarkson Map Co. moved into the old brewery. They had previously been located in Wausau. The firm makes road, county maps, street maps, lake maps, and the "Guide to fun in Wisconsin." It is the largest map maker in Wisconsin.

The structure has a stone foundation. It has a flat roof, irregular shape, is 2 stories high, with glassblock slipsill windows.
Bibliographic References:(A.) Commemorative Biographical Record, pp. 591-592. (B.) Wisconsin Breweries and Their Bottles, p. 23. (C.) William Kroll, Badger Breweries Past and Present, 1976, p. 37. (D.) Kaukauna 175th Jubilee Album, p. 15. (E.) "Clarkson Will Show You Where To Go, What You'll Catch," Post-Crescent, Dec. 31, 1978, B-7. (F.) Kaukauna Assessment Rolls 1887-1982. Walking Tour Through Old Kaukauna: Two Self-Guided Historic Tours Kaukauna, Wisconsin, City of Kaukauna, 1983.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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