382 LINDEN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
382 LINDEN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Fond du Lac Senior High School
Other Name:Fond du Lac School District Administration Building
Reference Number:54299
Location (Address):382 LINDEN ST
County:Fond du Lac
City:Fond du Lac
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1922
Additions:C. 1960C. 1940 1925
Survey Date:2011
Historic Use:elementary, middle, jr.high, or high
Architectural Style:Late Gothic Revival
Structural System:
Wall Material:Limestone
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office. The older portion of this building is a three-story building covered with limestone veneer. At the center of the building is a five-story tower topped with battlements and buttresses. Windows consist of six large lights that are regularly placed on the facade and are grouped in the tower. There are many additions to this building, but the original school has not been totally obscured. Normally, Collegiate Gothic buildings are constructed of brick, but the limestone construction of this building reflects the local availability and popularity of this building material in Fond du Lac. While the newer additions have detracted some from the integrity of this building, the original high school is still evident on the front facade and is significant. The original portion of this building was constructed in 1922, with an auditorium addition built in 1925. Called the Fond du Lac Senior High School, it has had many other additions and is known as the Lowell P. Goodrich High School today. The original portion of this school building is significant for history because of its association with secondary education in Fond du Lac. This building is the only extant resource associated with secondary education in the city. The establishment of a high school program was an important component of public education in the nineteenth century. This building was the first modern high school building in Fond du Lac, reflecting the importance and size of the high school program by the 1920s. It is still in use today. 2011: in 2001, a new high school was built at 801 Campus Drive. A portion of the Goodrich School was demolished and an addition was made for its new function. No visual evidence of the earlier school can be seen at this time.
Bibliographic References:(A) Fond du Lac City Directories. (B) Sanborn-Perris Maps - Fond du Lac. (C) Fond du Lac Tax Rolls. (D) Carol Cartwright, Fond du Lac Intensive Survey Report, Fond du Lac: City of Fond du Lac, 1992. THE REPORTER 8/29/1996. Fond du Lac Reporter 6/27/2000. Fond du Lac Reporter 7/11/2000.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".