288 E MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
288 E MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:ROE BUILDING
Other Name:Main Appliance
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:5887
Location (Address):288 E MAIN ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1913
Survey Date:199020132019
Historic Use:automobile showroom
Architectural Style:Commercial Vernacular
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Architect: JAMES LAW
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Main Street Commercial Historic District (Boundary Increase)
National Register Listing Date:5/12/1994
State Register Listing Date:4/23/1993
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property. (Main Street Historic District) It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Historic Preservation-Public History.

Architectural Description:

This two story brick early 20th Century commercial building has a commanding presence on the northwest corner of the Main and Fourth Streets. Presenting a solid fortress-like character, it is three bays wide and seven bays deep. As is typical of commercial buildings of the period, it has a curve shaped parapet wall with concrete coping. Flanking this parapet on either side are square piers, each of which is punctuated with raised brick trim and concrete corner blocks. Stylized buttresses are also capped with angled blocks of concrete. The datestone gives the name: ROE, and date: 1913. [A]. While the windows have been changed, the original fenestration pattern is still visible. Of particular interest is the tripartite window under a wide segmental arch in the center of the main elevation. The arch features a centered keystone. The main entrance appears to have been little altered, and still sports the "bullet-shaped" corner protectors typical of automobile related buildings of the teens through the thirties. A human-sized side door is capped with a simple concrete pediment. The structure is in excellent condition.

Architectural Significance:

The Roe Building is significant under Criterion C as an example of commercial vernacular architecture featuring typical early twentieth century details. While there are other examples of this type of architecure in Stoughton [DA 58/20, DA 60/20], this is the largest, least altered automobile-related property along Main Street.

Historical Background:

The first automobile business in Stoughton, the Roe Auto Company was organized in 1910, with three partners: Carl Roe, Gustave Roe, and S. M. Halverson. At first it was located at the corner of Main and Fifth Streets, in part of the Samuel A. Peterson building. Halverson sold his share of the business to the Roe borthers in 1911. In 1912 construction began on the garage and showroom located at the northwest corner of Main and Fourth Streets. The company sold Overland, Oakland, Paige and Jewett, Chandler, and Willys-Knight automobiles. [E].

Carl Roe died in 1926. [E]. Gustave Roe sold the property in 1946 to Harry and Rachel Koltes. [B]. The property presently houses an appliance store.

From 1884 through 1912, a wood frame office building was located on the site. Throughout those years a photography studio occupied part of the building. [C]. In 1882 the photographer was William A. Ferman. [D]. At times other businesses shared the space - a dentist (1884, 1892), and a tailor (1912). [C]. The 1926 Sanborn map shows that this garage had a capacity of 20 cars. The building had steam heat and electric lights. [C].

Historical Significance:

The Roe Building is significant under Criterion A as an example of the Goods and Services element of the Commerce Theme for Stoughton. It reflects the necessary change in emphasis from wagon manufacturing, which was a major element in Stoughton's economy, to automobile sales and service from the late 1910s through the present.

August 2013: no visible changes

August 2019: Appearance unchanged.
Bibliographic References:A. Datestone. B. Dane County Office of Records, Deeds Volume 49, page 346. C. Sanborn-Perris Insurance Maps: 1884, 1887, 1889, 1892, 1904, 1912, 1926, 1926-43. D. Sheath, Thomas. "A Directory of the City of Stoughton and the Villages of Edgerton, Milton and Milton Junction." Madison, Wisconsin: Sheath and Wilson, 1882. E. "The Stoughton Courier-Hub." 18 March, 1928. F. "Stoughton Weeky Courier Hub." 10/11/1912. G. Rebecca Sample Bernstein for the City of Stoughton Landmarks Commission and Downtown Revitalization Association, Historic Main Street: An Architectural & Historical Guide to Downtown Stoughton, 1991.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".