1311 N 6TH ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

1311 N 6TH ST

Architecture and History Inventory
1311 N 6TH ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Milwaukee Journal Garage
Other Name:Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Garage
Reference Number:120098
Location (Address):1311 N 6TH ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1926
Survey Date:2000
Historic Use:garage
Architectural Style:Astylistic Utilitarian Building
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Architect: Charles Whitney
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:Constructed of concrete block and faced with brick, this one-story repair/storage facility features clerestory lighting along the mid-section of its flat roof. The building's primary (east) facade features a pair of overhead garage doors; the centralmost of which is topped with a sign that reads, "THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL GARAGE." The remaining wall space to the north and south carries steel, factory sash windows with concrete lintels and sills. The structure's south facade carries a single overhead garage opening, with a series of factory sash windows to the west. Alterations to the building appear to be limited to the replacement of the overhead garage doors. Erected as a repair/storage facility for The Milwaukee Journal in 1926, the $14,000 building was constructed by W.W. Oeflein and designed by engineer Charles Whitney. The Milwaukee Journal was established in 1882, forty-five years after the city's first permanent newspaper, The Milwaukee Sentinel. After nearly a century of being rivals, the two newspapers merged within the last decade. The building continues to function as a garage/maintenance facility for what is now known as The Milwaukee Journai-Sentinel. Indeed, both of the long-standing newspapers were significant contributors to the growth and development of the city. While the subject facility does retain a good degree of historic integrity, the structure remains a vernacular building; the nature of which was (and is) to support the offices of the Milwaukee Journal (Sentinel). However, the Journal Company Building (1924), located at 333 W. State Street, remains extant. The newspaper's headquarters, encased within a fine, Art Deco exterior, stand as a more closely related resource than the garage facility. 2022: The Milwaukee Journal Garage was constructed in 1926 and is a one-story, asytlistic building. It has a flat roof that features clerestory windows located along the midsection of the roof, where it is raised by an additional story. The building is constructed of concrete block and the foundation is not visible. The building’s front (north) facade is clad in stucco. A modern covered entryway housing a metal door flanked by multi-pane windows is located on this elevation. The building’s side (east) and rear (south) elevations are clad in red brick, and the side (west) elevation is a party wall with adjoining building. Windows throughout the building are groups of fixed metal casement with concrete sills and lintels. The building’s east elevation features a large, metal, multi-pane window where a garage entry was once located. Alterations made to the building since the time of its previous survey in 2000 are limited to the covering of the primary entryway located on the north elevation. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Garage was constructed in 1926 as a repair facility for the newspaper’s fleet of vehicles. According to the 2000 WHPD record, the building was designed by engineer Charles Whitney and constructed by W.W. Oeflein. At the time of the garage’s construction, the newspaper’s main offices were located several blocks to the south at 333 W. State Street. Additional expansions to the paper’s headquarters were built in this location, indicating that while the subject building was associated with the newspaper, it was not located adjacent to the National Register-listed Milwaukee Journal- Sentinel Complex (AHI No. 29949, National Register #100006270). While the building continued to operate as a garage and storage space for the newspaper in 2000, in 2013 it was leased by the Milwaukee Area Technical College’s (MATC) Health Education Center. MATC’s lease ended in 2021 and the property is now vacant
Bibliographic References:Building permit.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".