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Democratic Ticket
Presidential candidate: WOODROW WILSON, President
VP candidate: THMOAS R. MARSHALL, Vice President
Popular votes: 9,126,063 (49.2%)
Electoral votes: 277
Republican Ticket
Presidential candidate: Charles E. Hughes, Supreme Court Justice
VP candidate: Charles W. Fairbanks, former Vice President
Popular votes: 8,547,039 (46.1%)
Electoral votes: 254
1916 US Electoral Map: How each state voted. Election Results. Wisconsin's Choice: Hughes.

Election Facts

  • American foreign policy took center stage in this election as people became concerned about the war in Europe.
  • Wilson's campaign touted that Wilson kept the nation out of war.
  • The Republicans spread doubt that Wilson would continue his neutral stand.
  • Wilson declared his support of universal woman suffrage. This helped him in states where women could already vote.
Campaign train for Charles Hughes, 1916.
WHI 56989
Woodrow Wilson campaigns in New Jersey, October 28, 1916.
WHI 9675
Anti-Wilson political cartoon. "Punch," October 18, 1916.
WHI 56962