The tendency of youth to leave farm life, 1898

Responsibility of farmers' sons and daughters

Just as today, the flight of young people in rural areas to the cities was of great concern in the nineteenth century. In this article, Mrs J.G. Carr compares farm and city life, finding that farm life, though perhaps not as glitzy, leads to greater happiness and social good.

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The Progressive Era
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Farming and Rural Life
Creator: Carr, J.G.
Pub Data: Wisconsin Farmers' Institutes: a hand-book of agriculture. A report of the twelfth annual closing Farmers' Institute held at Janesville, March 8, 9, and 10, 1898. Bulletin No. 12 (1898): 61-67.
Citation: Carr, J.G. "Responsibility of farmers' sons and daughters." Wisconsin Farmers' Institutes: a hand-book of agriculture. A report of the twelfth annual closing Farmers' Institute held at Janesville, March 8, 9, and 10, 1898. Bulletin No. 12 (1898: 61-67); Online facsimile at:
.WFIn12&isize=M&page=61; Visited on: 4/19/2024