Wisconsin's contributions to the war, 1919

Wisconsin's War Record

Over 118,000 Wisconsin citizens served in the military during World War I, while countless others on the home front scrimped, saved, and contributed money to various war organizations. One year after the war ended, Fred Holmes wrote this overview of Wisconsin's contributions to the war effort. Claiming not to be a comprehensive history of the war, Holmes provides substantial information about the draft, soldiers, women, war organizations, and the activities of assorted government agencies.

Related Topics: World Wars and Conflicts
World War I, at home and in the trenches
Creator: Holmes, Fred L.
Pub Data: Madison: Capital Historical Publishing Co., 1919. (Rare books D570.85 W6 H7)
Citation: Holmes, Fred L. Wisconsin's War Record. (Madison: Capital Historical Publishing Co., 1919). Online facsimile at:  http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1090; Visited on: 4/19/2024