Racine's malted milk transforms American soda fountains

"That's meat and drink to me:" Wisconsin's malted milk story

Originally conceived as a nutritional supplement for infants, malted milk helped put Racine, Wisconsin, on the map by changing the way Americans ate. Malted milk was developed by brothers William and James Horlick in 1873 and was originally marketed under the name "diastoid." The name didn't last though, and in 1887, the company trademarked the name "malted milk." It soon became a staple offering at soda fountains across the United States.

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Creator: Wisconsin Historical Society Museum
Pub Data: Wisconsin Historical Society Museum online exhibit.
Citation: ""That's meat and drink to me:" Wisconsin's malted milk story. Wisconsin Historical Society Museum. Online facsimile at:  http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1153; Visited on: 4/23/2024