The Anti-Saloon League launches a newspaper, 1905

The Wisconsin Issue, Official Organ of the Wisconsin Anti-Saloon League

Organized in 1897, the Wisconsin Anti-Saloon League (a state branch of the National Anti-Saloon League) sought to unify public anti-alcohol sentiment, to enforce existing temperance laws, and to advocate for the enactment of further temperance legislation. Modeling their periodical on the national version, the Wisconsin Anti-Saloon League published its first edition of The Wisconsin Issue in November 1905, seeking the input and help of sympathetic prohibitionists around the state. Each issue featured letters and news of temperance issues both statewide and nationally. Included here are the first two numbers of The Wisconsin Issue.

Related Topics: Industrialization and Urbanization
Brewing and Prohibition
Creator: Wisconsin Anti-Saloon League
Pub Data: Milwaukee: Wisconsin Anti-Saloon League, 1905. Digitized from a copy in the Wisconsin Historical Society Library, call no. HV5297 W5 W57 v.1-3, no.2.
Citation: The Wisconsin Issue. (Milwaukee: Wisconsin Anti-Saloon League, 1905). Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 5/4/2024