An Italian missionary recounts his work in the upper Great Lakes

Memoirs, historical and edifying, of a Missionary Apostolic of the order of Saint Dominic...

Fr. Mazzuchelli began his American ministry in 1828 and spent the next several decades building churches, organizing schools, and preaching throughout the Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes. His Memoirs discuss missions among Native Americans and Canadians in Wisconsin and Michigan and among the new immigrants to Wisconsin and Iowa.

Related Topics: Immigration and Settlement
The Founding of Social Institutions
Creator: Mazzuchelli, Samuel, 1806-1864.
Pub Data: Chicago, Press of W.F. Hall printing company, 1915.
Citation: Mazzuchelli, Samuel C. Memoirs of a Missionary Apostolic... (Chicago, W.F. Hall, 1915); Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 4/25/2024