Andrew M. Davis' 1857 diary as edited for publication.

Preliminary Railroad Survey in Wisconsin 1857

Surveyor Andrew McFarland Davis spent the summer of 1857 laying out a route for the La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad. Starting north from Portage in April, the crew went up the Wisconsin River valley before turning north west to Chippewa Falls and then on to Eau Claire, where they arrived 15 weeks later. Davis comments often on the problems encountered while surveying in the wilderness, including mosquitoes and rattlesnakes. He later gave the diary to the Historical Society, and the complete manuscript will also be presented on the Turning Points site. By comparing the two, readers can see how memory, desire, and the publishing process influence historical sources.

Related Topics: Immigration and Settlement
Development of the Railroads
Creator: Davis, Andrew McFarland
Pub Data: Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin for 1910 (Madison, 1911): 165-170
Citation: Davis, Andrew. "Preliminary Railroad Survey in Wisconsin 1857." Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin for 1910 (Madison, 1911): 165-170. Online facsimile at:
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