Excerpt from the first conservation textbook, 1910

The Future of Man in America

Charles Van Hise, geologist and educator, was president of the University of Wisconsin from 1903 to 1918. He focused much of his research on the formations of iron ores in the Lake Superior region, establishing the fundamental principles of structural geology, metamorphism, and Precambrian rocks. In 1910, Van Hise authored the country's first textbook on the conservation of natural resources. In this excerpt, Van Hise eloquently argues for the protection and sound use of the earth's natural resources.

Related Topics: The Progressive Era
The Conservation Movement
Creator: Van Hise, Charles
Pub Data: Excerpt from World's Work, Vol. XVIII, pgs 117-118. Wisconsin Electronic Reader.
Citation: Van Hise, Charles. "The Future of Man in America." In World's Work, Vol. XVIII, pgs 117-118. Online facsimile at:  http://www.library.wisc.edu/etext/WIReader/WER0746.html#Text; Visited on: 4/24/2024