A tour of the Lake Superior mining district in 1846

A true description of the Lake Superior country ... also a minute account of the copper mines and working companies...

Aimed primarily towards people interested in exploiting the region's mineral deposits of copper and iron, this book is also written as a travel narrative. The reader is told what to wear and what transportation facilities and amenities will be found en route. The book lists mining companies already functioning in the area and gives information about their management and the nature of their operations. There is also a glossary of mining terms, a list of grantees, a short vocabulary of French and local Indian words, and a list of steamship and sailing vessels.

Related Topics: Mining, Logging, and Agriculture
Mining in Northern Wisconsin
Creator: St. John, John R.
Pub Data: New York, W. H. Graham, 1846.
Citation: St. John, John R. A True Description of the Lake Superior Country... (New York, W. H. Graham, 1846); Online facsimile at:  http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/lhbumbib:@field(NUMBE
R+@band(lhbum+07118)):; Visited on: 4/25/2024