Aldo Leopold analyzes a 19th-century hunter's logbook.

The Chase journal: an early record of Wisconsin wildlife

In this short article, Aldo Leopold analyzes a manuscript volume of hunting records at the Wisconsin Historical Society. Kept by Dane County sportsman Walter Howard Chase from 1873 to 1896, the records allow Leopold to reach conclusions about the number and distribution of game birds then being threatened by habitat loss and over harvesting.

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Creator: Leopold, Aldo, 1886-1948.
Pub Data: Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters XXX (Madison, 1937): 69-76
Citation: Leopold, Aldo. "The Chase journal: an early record of Wisconsin wildlife." Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters XXX (Madison, 1937): 69-76. Online facsimile at:
id=WI.WT1937.ALEOPOLD&id=WI.WT1937&isize=M; Visited on: 4/24/2024