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National Register and State Register of Historic Places | Wisconsin Historical Society

National Register and State Register of Historic Places

National Register and State Register of Historic Places

National Register and State Register

Both registers include buildings, sites, districts, structures and objects that are significant in national, state and local history.


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All Wisconsin National Register of Historic Places listings are searchable on our website.

Learn who serves on the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Review Board and when they meet.

The Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory will tell you if your property is listed, individually or contributing to a historic district.

These are static lists and may not convey the most current information about a property.

These consultants are available to help you research historic buildings and archaeological sites

Have Questions?

Contact Ian Gort by phone at 608-264-6502 or by email below for questions about the National Register or State Register of Historic Places.

Featured Articles

Common questions about the National Register and State Register of Historic Places.

Eligible properties must retain the essential physical appearance of the period in which they were important, and meet one of four criteria.

How to request a preliminary evaluation of National Register eligibility.