State Historic Preservation Office | HPC Training | Wisconsin Historical Society

Guide or Instruction

State Historic Preservation Offices

Chapter 2: Preservation Laws and Programs, Page 3 of 7

State Historic Preservation Office | HPC Training | Wisconsin Historical Society

Throughout the U.S., state governors appoint a State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to carry out the responsibilities of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) in their state. Each SHPO performs a wide variety of functions under the NHPA, state laws, and other authorities. These functions include:

  • Nominating properties to the National Register of Historic Places
  • Conducting statewide historic preservation planning and a statewide inventory of historic properties
  • Providing technical assistance to federal and state agencies, local governments, and others
  • Certifying local governments to participate in the national program

Wisconsin SHPO

In Wisconsin, the State Historic Preservation Office is part of the Wisconsin Historical Society. This office serves as the principal historic preservation agency in the state. The Wisconsin SHPO oversees state and federally mandated preservation responsibilities. The Wisconsin SHPO's responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining inventories of Wisconsin's historic properties
  • Administering the Certified Local Government program
  • Nominating sites to the National Register and State Register of Historic Places
  • Supporting research on historic architecture
  • Administering federal and state tax credit programs for the rehabilitation of historic properties
  • Cataloging burial sites
  • Reviewing public projects for their effects on historic resources under Section 106 of the NHPA and Wisconsin Statutes