The "dos" and "don'ts" of cooperatives

Co-operative creameries: plans of organization, business practices

Although the first dairy cooperative in Wisconsin was formed in 1841, cooperatives did not become widespread until the 1890s. This article describes the history and organization of cooperatives, and provides information about some of the larger cooperatives in Wisconsin.

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Creator: Imrie, David
Pub Data: Wisconsin Farmers' Institutes: a hand-book of agriculture. A report of the twenty-ninth annual closing Farmers' Institute, held at Kenosha, Wisconsin, March 11, 12, 13, 1915 Bulletin No. 29 (1915)
Citation: Imrie, David. "Co-operative creameries: plans of organization, business practices." Wisconsin Farmers' Institutes: a hand-book of agriculture. A report of the twenty-ninth annual closing Farmers' Institute, held at Kenosha, Wisconsin, March 11, 12, 13, 1915. Bulletin No. 29 (1915); Online facsimile at:
.WFIn29&isize=M&page=106; Visited on: 4/25/2024