A survey of the recreational and health services available in migrant labor camps, 1953

Report on Survey of Services and Facilities for Migrant Workers Employed by Wisconsin Canners

In 1953, the Governor's Commission on Human Rights established the Migrant Relations Committee to focus specifically on improving working conditions for Wisconsin's migrant workers. Working in cooperation with the state canning industry, the committee conducted a survey of the services and facilities provided to workers both at work and in migrant labor camps. More than 90% of the state's canners responded to the survey. The results provide a window into both the lives of migrant workers as well as the perceived needs of these workers by the cannery owners.

Related Topics: Wisconsin's Response to 20th-century change
20th-Century Immigration
Creator: Wisconsin Canners Association
Pub Data: Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin Canners Association, 1953. (pamphlet 56-3081)
Citation: Wisconsin Canners Association. "Report on Survey of Services and Facilities for Migrant Workers Employed by Wisconsin Canners." (Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin Canners Association, 1953); Online facsimile at:  http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1339; Visited on: 4/23/2024