Wisconsin Indians Resist French Domination

The Fox Indians During the French Regime

Although not strictly a primary source itself, this survey of the so-called Fox Wars of the 18th century quotes often from original French and Canadian manuscripts, and brings them together in a single narrative that it is still widely cited by scholars today. The Fox and their allies, chiefly the Sauk, were the only Wisconsin Indians to systematically fight against French imperialism.

Related Topics: Explorers, Traders, and Settlers
The French Fur Trade
Creator: Kellogg, Louise Phelps.
Pub Data: Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin at its 55th annual meeting held Nov. 7, 1907. (Madison, 1908): 142-188.
Citation: Kellogg, Louise Phelps. "The Fox Indians During the French Regime." Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin at its 55th annual meeting held Nov. 7, 1907. (Madison, 1908): 142-188. Online facsimile at:  http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1609; Visited on: 4/23/2024