Wisconsin Gazetteer from 1853

Wisconsin gazetteer, containing the names, location and advantages of the counties, cities, towns, villages, post offices, and settlements,...

John Warren Hunt compiled this comprehensive guide to Wisconsin in 1853, intended for both immigrants and citizens of the state seeking information about their home.

Related Topics: Immigration and Settlement
The Founding of Social Institutions
Creator: Hunt, John Warren, 1826-1859
Pub Data: Madison, B. Brown, printer, 1853.
Citation: Hunt, John Warren. Wisconsin gazetteer... (Madison, B. Brown, 1853.); Online facsimile at:  http://www.hti.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?sid=8a2d26678fb5f8d7
c8bf5a9abb426122;c=moa;iel=1;view=toc;idno=AFK4346.0001.001; Visited on: 4/19/2024