The First Iroquois Raid into Wisconsin, 1653

1653--55: First Iroquois Raid into Wisconsin

The wars in the East not only drove the Huron and other tribes from the lower Great Lakes out West. Their Iroquois adversaries also followed them 1,000 miles into the wilderness, as shown in this text by French trader Nicolas Perrot.
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Related Topics: Early Native Peoples
Iroquois Wars of the 17th Century
Creator: Perrot, Nicolas.
Pub Data: From Perrot's Mémoire sur les moeurs, coustumes et relligion des Sauvages de l'Amérique Septentrionale, as excerpted in Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. 16: 10-13
Citation: Perrot, Nicolas. "1653--55: First Iroquois Raid into Wisconsin." From Perrot's Mémoire sur les moeurs, coustumes et relligion des Sauvages de l'Amérique Septentrionale, as excerpted in Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. 16: 10-13. Online facsimile at:
it(lhbum7689ediv10)); Visited on: 4/18/2024