Opening Day Fishing Season (Unpublished) | Drawing | Wisconsin Historical Society


Opening Day Fishing Season (Unpublished)

Opening Day Fishing Season (Unpublished) | Drawing | Wisconsin Historical Society
Imaginative pen-and-ink drawing that collages several scenes: the  Madison skyline from the lakeshore of Lake Monona; Ted Ryan, a road maintenance worker, kneeling on ice to peer down a fishing hole, while a fishing line stretches from one hole to another; a large sunfish on a line above him leaps, lured, out of another hole; a man riding a walleye as an iceboat; Ted driving a steamroller marked "Ryan Express"; a frog bundled up in an icefishing tent; a man on ice skates holding a sail while pulling a sled full of fishing gear; and, a wind-powered ice auger drilling a fishing hole by an outhouse, where a muskie peers out from a hole beside a frozen fish finder. Sid's authorship is in the lower right corner.
Imaginative pen-and-ink drawing that collages several scenes: the Madison skyline from the lakeshore of Lake Monona; Ted Ryan, a road maintenance worker, kneeling on ice to peer down a fishing hole, while a fishing line stretches from one hole to another; a large sunfish on a line above him leaps, lured, out of another hole; a man riding a walleye as an iceboat; Ted driving a steamroller marked "Ryan Express"; a frog bundled up in an icefishing tent; a man on ice skates holding a sail while pulling a sled full of fishing gear; and, a wind-powered ice auger drilling a fishing hole by an outhouse, where a muskie peers out from a hole beside a frozen fish finder. Sid's authorship is in the lower right corner.
Image ID:124437
Creation Date:date unknown
Creator Name:Boyum, Sid
Collection Name:Sid Boyum collection, circa 1900-2018 (bulk 1950-1980)
Original Format Type:prints, photomechanical
Original Format Number:PH 6986 Box 6, Folder 3
Original Dimensions:11.75 X 17.25 inches
Donated by Nancy Ryan, who suggested that is an unpublished Opening Day fishing drawing.
Caricatures and cartoons
Cities and towns
Clothing and dress

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Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, 4th Floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research Citation
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