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Ojibwa Delegation | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society


Ojibwa Delegation

Ojibwa Delegation | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society
Group portrait of Ojibwa Chiefs from Bad River, Lac Courte Oreilles, and Lac du Flambeau, in Washington, D.C. The reason they were there is in dispute. Records show it had something to do with a bill to divide the reservations into parcels, reducing the size of the reservations and opening the lands for logging. Names, left to right, seated on floor: Wadwaiasoug, Oshawashkogijig. Seated in chairs: Edawigijig "Both Sides of the Sky" (Bad River Chief and signer of 1854 Treaty), Kiskitawag or Giishkitawag "Cut Ear" (signed multiple treaties as a warrior of the Octonagon Band, but afterwards was associated with the Bad River Band), Akewainzee (most prominent Chief of the Lac Courte Oreilles band), Nizhogiizhig "Second Day," Oshoga. Standing: Vincent Conyer (interpreter), Ogimagijig, Dr. I.L. Mahan (Indian Agent in Bayfield, 1878-1879), Wasigwanabi, George P. Warren (Civil War veteran, Private, Company K, 36th Infantry, he was born on 1824 in LaPointe, wounded at Cold Harbor on 6-3-1864, mustered on 3-11-1865), and Thaddeus Adams Thayer, Jr. (married to Mary (Bert) Thayer "Gagi," an Ojibwa woman). They are posing in front of a painted backdrop.
Group portrait of Ojibwa Chiefs from Bad River, Lac Courte Oreilles, and Lac du Flambeau, in Washington, D.C. The reason they were there is in dispute. Records show it had something to do with a bill to divide the reservations into parcels, reducing the size of the reservations and opening the lands for logging. Names, left to right, seated on floor: Wadwaiasoug, Oshawashkogijig. Seated in chairs: Edawigijig "Both Sides of the Sky" (Bad River Chief and signer of 1854 Treaty), Kiskitawag or Giishkitawag "Cut Ear" (signed multiple treaties as a warrior of the Octonagon Band, but afterwards was associated with the Bad River Band), Akewainzee (most prominent Chief of the Lac Courte Oreilles band), Nizhogiizhig "Second Day," Oshoga. Standing: Vincent Conyer (interpreter), Ogimagijig, Dr. I.L. Mahan (Indian Agent in Bayfield, 1878-1879), Wasigwanabi, George P. Warren (Civil War veteran, Private, Company K, 36th Infantry, he was born on 1824 in LaPointe, wounded at Cold Harbor on 6-3-1864, mustered on 3-11-1865), and Thaddeus Adams Thayer, Jr. (married to Mary (Bert) Thayer "Gagi," an Ojibwa woman). They are posing in front of a painted backdrop.
Image ID:134717
Creation Date: 1880
Creator Name:Bell, C. M. (Charles Milton), approximately 1849-1893
State:District of Columbia
Collection Name:
Original Format Type:digital file
Original Format Number:9999018024
Original Dimensions:5264 X 4141 pixels
Loaned for scanning by Bayfield Public Library, 20 x 16 inch albumen print, mounted on a backing, and framed.

Identifications of individuals credited to Chequamegon History, and the Bayfield Public Library, Wisconsin.

Mural painting and decoration
Suits (Clothing)
Indian beadwork
Ojibwa Indians
Photography--Studios and dark rooms
Portraits, Group
Indoor photography

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Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, 4th Floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research Citation
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research, Creator, Title, Image ID. Viewed online at (copy and paste image page link).

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