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Fred Derr and Dan Buretta | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society


Fred Derr and Dan Buretta

Fred Derr and Dan Buretta | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society
A man is stirring food in a pot, while another man is trying a spoonful of it. A variety of bottles and cans are on the table near the pot. A connected news article provides context: "<b>Hot time at chili cook-off</b> Chili lovers from across the state gathered in Green Lake over the weekend for the 6th Annual Wisconsin State Chili Cook-Off Championship. About 40 teams participated in the event, which was held at Deacon Mills Park. Each team's chili was prepared and cooked at the site on the day of the cook-off and then judged (<b>below</b>). Visitors were able to see if they agreed with the experts as they sampled the chili after the judging. David Fenner, 41, of Janesville, was the winner and will go to California to compete with winners from other states for the national title."

Caption for this image reads: Fred Derr stirred his chili while Dan Buretta sampled it.

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A man is stirring food in a pot, while another man is trying a spoonful of it. A variety of bottles and cans are on the table near the pot. A connected news article provides context: "Hot time at chili cook-off Chili lovers from across the state gathered in Green Lake over the weekend for the 6th Annual Wisconsin State Chili Cook-Off Championship. About 40 teams participated in the event, which was held at Deacon Mills Park. Each team's chili was prepared and cooked at the site on the day of the cook-off and then judged (below). Visitors were able to see if they agreed with the experts as they sampled the chili after the judging. David Fenner, 41, of Janesville, was the winner and will go to California to compete with winners from other states for the national title." Caption for this image reads: Fred Derr stirred his chili while Dan Buretta sampled it.
Image ID:138982
Creation Date: 09 18 1984
Creator Name:Hoyt, Carl D.
City:Green Lake
County:Green Lake
Collection Name:Classified file, circa 1850s-1950s
Original Format Type:photographic print, b&w
Original Format Number:CF 451
Original Dimensions:8 x 10 inches
Outdoor photography
Clothing and dress
This image is © copyrighted property of Journal Sentinel Inc. and is provided by the Wisconsin Historical Society subject to contract.  Use of the image requires written permission from the staff of the Collections Division. It may not be sold or redistributed, copied or distributed as a photograph, electronic file, or any other media. The image should not be significantly altered through conventional or electronic means. Images altered beyond standard cropping and resizing require further negotiation with a staff member. Please Credit: Wisconsin Historical Society
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Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, 4th Floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Creator, Title, Image ID. Viewed online at (copy and paste image page link).
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research Citation
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research, Creator, Title, Image ID. Viewed online at (copy and paste image page link).

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