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White River Bridge | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society


White River Bridge

White River Bridge | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society
Elevated view of the Wiscsonsin Central's bridge over the White River, about six miles south of Ashland. The bridge was 1600 ft. long and 110 ft. above the water. Two people are standing on top of the bridge leaning on the railing. Another man is perched below them on a support beam. The perspective of this photograph illustrates well why the White River Bridge was considered a marvel of railroad engineering. The bridge was dismantled and sold for scrap in 1909.
Elevated view of the Wiscsonsin Central's bridge over the White River, about six miles south of Ashland. The bridge was 1600 ft. long and 110 ft. above the water. Two people are standing on top of the bridge leaning on the railing. Another man is perched below them on a support beam. The perspective of this photograph illustrates well why the White River Bridge was considered a marvel of railroad engineering. The bridge was dismantled and sold for scrap in 1909.
Image ID:24756
Creation Date:circa 1885
Creator Name:Unknown
Collection Name:Subject albums, 1753?-1990? (bulk circa 1850s-circa 1950s)
Original Format Type:photographic print, b&w
Original Format Number:Album 36.1
Original Dimensions:10 x 8 inches
This photograph was donated to the Historical Society by Howard Cameron of Rice Lake.
Clothing and dress
Outdoor photography
Railroad bridges
Railroad tracks

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Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, 4th Floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Creator, Title, Image ID. Viewed online at (copy and paste image page link).
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research Citation
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research, Creator, Title, Image ID. Viewed online at (copy and paste image page link).

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