15670 Blue Mound Rd. | National or State Registers Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

National or State Registers Record

15670 Blue Mound Rd.

National or State Register of Historic Places
15670 Blue Mound Rd. | National or State Registers Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Dousman Inn
Reference Number:79000118
Location (Address):15670 Blue Mound Rd.
Dousman Inn
Brookfield, Waukesha County
Builder: unknown
Date of Construction: 1840s

The Dousman Inn was an important stopping place on a major westward artery on the migration route into Wisconsin. It was a half day's travel west of Milwaukee. Immigrants and travelers stopped at the inn for rest, refreshment and entertainment.

Michael Dousman- although living in Mackinac, Michigan- speculated in real estate and development schemes in Wisconsin. The Dousman family built the inn as part of an extensive farming operation as the Watertown Plank Road became a major east-west route. Micahel Dousman's heirs sold the building in 1854 just as railroads began to compete for stagecoach traffic.

Like many stagecoach inns, Dousman Inn was built in the Greek Revival style, projecting an image of refinement and elegance on the frontier. It exhibits cornice returns, a frieze with attic windows and pilasters. The doorway flanked by two windows and framed by a heavy lintel is typical of Greek Revival. The interior consists of a central stairway and hall flanked with two rooms on each side. The sleeping chambers are located on the second story. The ballroom in the attic features built-in benches that line the north and south walls.

The building has been relocated and is now the used by the Elmbrook Historical Society as an historical museum and meeting place. It is open during regular hours.

Period of Significance:1825-1849
Area of Significance:Architecture
Area of Significance:Exploration/Settlement
Area of Significance:Transportation
Applicable Criteria:Architecture/Engineering
Applicable Criteria:Event
Historic Use:Domestic: Hotel
Historic Use:Domestic: Single Dwelling
Architectural Style:Greek Revival
Resource Type:Building
Historic Status:Listed in the National Register
Historic Status:Listed in the State Register
National Register Listing Date:01/15/1979
State Register Listing Date:01/01/1989
Number of Contributing Buildings:2
Number of Contributing Sites:0
Number of Contributing Structures:0
Number of Contributing Objects:0
Number of Non-Contributing Sites:0
Number of Non-Contributing Structures:0
Number of Non-Contributing Objects:0
National Register and State Register of Historic Places, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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National Register of Historic Places Citation
National Register of Historic Places, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".

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