449 Beloit Street | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

449 Beloit Street

Architecture and History Inventory
449 Beloit Street | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Other Name:
Reference Number:10650
Location (Address):449 Beloit Street
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1840
Survey Date:19752011
Historic Use:one to six room school
Architectural Style:Front Gabled
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:CONVERTED TO HOUSE. The building was originally located at 218 Madison and map code 131 on the DOT map is the original location. The building served as Burlington's school until 1856. Various Protestant groups used this building as their meeting place from time to time. The Burlington Historical Society saved the building from demolition in the early 1980s and moved it to Schmaling Park.

The first school in Burlington began operating in the summer of 1838 in a non-extant sixteen-foot square log cabin on the west side of Pine Street between Milwaukee Avenue and Mill Street. The following year, classes were held in a non-extant building on the north side of the White River in present-day Echo Veterans Memorial Park. Also that year, a brick one-room schoolhouse was constructed at 218 Madison Street and opened in 1840. For unknown reasons, however, classes were suspended at the end of that year until 1842. In 1855, the Burlington Education Society was formed and resumed teaching primary, middle, and senior classes in the brick schoolhouse on Madison Street. The building was used until 1859, when the public school relocated to the Burlington Union School on Kane Street.

During its early history, the school was also used as a Presbyterian church. After the school’s closing and with continued interior alterations, the building went on to be used as a place of worship, warehouse, home, and repair shop. In 1985, the Burlington Historical Society purchased the building, moved it the following summer to Schmaling Park at 449 Beloit Street, and restored the building to its original configuration as a one-room schoolhouse. It was dedicated as Whitman School in 1988, named after the building’s subsequent and longtime owners, and is used by the Historical Society for educational programs.

It was at a packed meeting in this building in 1847, arranged by Dr. Dyer, that a 25-year-old former slave from Virginia using the name "Lewis Washington" spoke while on a tour of what are now Racine and Kenosha Counties. Washington was accompanied by Chauncey C. Olin of Waukesha, who was then with the American Freeman abolitionist newspaper. It was Olin who, in 1854, conducted Joshua Glover from Waukesha to Racine after Glover had been broken out of the Milwaukee jail.

After a prayer by a local minister and an anti-slavery song by Olin, Washington spoke on the subject of Freedom in a general way, not only for the slave but for the whole human family, and called for the voters to leave the old parties and vote the anti-slavery ticket until "human bondage should be done away with throughout the United States and the whole Christendom."
Bibliographic References:The Underground Railroad in Burlington and Vicinity, Burlington Historical Society, 2002, p. 13. General Files. On file at the Burlington Historical Society, Burlington, Wisconsin. Bur Spur of Wisconsin's Underground Railroad brochure.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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