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1215 STATE ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
1215 STATE ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Reference Number:11365
Location (Address):1215 STATE ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1898
Survey Date:19752009
Historic Use:industrial building
Architectural Style:Romanesque Revival
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office. 2009-The Fish Brothers Wagon Company building was constructed in 1898. It is a three story Romanesque Revival building, clad in brick with stone accents and raised on a stone ashlar-faced basement. The elevation is divided into five bays. At street level, large roman arches/set between brick pilasters suggest an arcade. The center arch shelters the recessed entry and stairs. The side arches contain tripartite windows. The first story is capped with a stone entablature. The second and third stories have segmental-arched windows with stone sills, two in each bay at each story. The building is topped with a decorative brickwork lattice at cornice level. -"STH 38 (State Street) Survey," WisDOT ID #2290-12-00, Prepared by Justin Miller and Jennifer R. Harvey (2009). BRICKWORK LATTICE ON CORNICE. STONE CORNICE BETWEEN 1ST AND 2ND FLOORS. ORIELS ON SIDE. STONE VENEER. HIGH FOUNDATION ON FRONT. SEGMENTAL ARCHED UPPER WINDOWS. 1ST FLOOR ROUND ARCH WINDOWS AND ENTRY FORM ARCADE. This is the sole remaining building of one of the nation's largest manufacturers of wagons. "From the 1860's to World War I a good number of the wagons that rolled along America's roads, fields and trails were made by Fish Brothers Wagon Company in their plant at State and Marquette Streets, now Merchant's Delivery. Founded in 1862 by Titus Fish and Daniel Bull, the company was reorganized in 1866 with brothers Titus, A. C., and Edward B. Fish as partners. The specialty of the Fish Company, was its adjustable, high-sided farm wagon that could be used for hauling wheat, lumber or families. Fish not only built wagons, but also a variety of buggies, phaetons, and surreys. It was the company's boast in 1872 that it turned out a completed wagon once every hour, each guaranteed for a year. The buildings that survive on State Street are part of a rebuilding undertaken by Fish from 1898 to 1900. With its broad Syrian arches and patterned brick cornice, the company's office building still makes a handsome contribution to the streetscape." Renewing Our Roots: The Northside, Racine, Wisconsin, Preservation-Racine, Inc., not dated. "In 1856 Abner came to Racine on foot to enroll in Racine High School. He worked for J. I. Case after school for a year, and then received the position of teacher at Yorkville School. At the end of the term he returned to Janesville, attended one more year of high school and was appointed principal of the 1st Ward Grammar School there while taking private lessons in Latin and Greek. He entered Tufts College near Boston in 1860. He served in the 44th Massachusetts Regiment during his junior year, but still graduated with his class in 1864. Although some sources say Abner then taught school and studied law in Boston, others point out he brought Daniel Bull's interest in Fish & Bull in 1864 or 1866 and began the Fish Brothers partnership with Titus. Perhaps he was a partner in absentia until 1866 when he was admitted to the bar in Boston and returned to Racine. Edwin enlisted in the 12th Wisconsin Battery in 1862. He mustered out in 1965 and joined his brothers. By 1873 Abner's career interests led him to sell his portion on the company to Edwin B. Fish and John C. Huggins; it then became Fish Brothers and Company. Abner practiced law, was involved in wagon wheel manufacturing, and became the district attorney. Titus was also involved in civic service; he was an alderman for twelve years, serving as president of the common council for six of those. He ran for mayor a few times and was elected in 1883 for one term. The company experienced rapid growth and was known for high quality wagons and carriages. They were very versatile, producing wagons for farm, freight, plantation, livery, milk, lumber and police, plus phaetons, trotting buggies, and road and spring wagons of all kinds. They sold wagons all over the United States, Mexico, South America, Great Britain, Australia, Denmark and Germany... In 1871 Fish Brothers & Co. were the third largest manufacturer in Racine by sales at $380,000 and fourth largest by number of employees with 125... In 1940 Merchant's Delivery, Moving and Storage Company moved into the building. Founder Elber W. Eastman had a Chevrolet dealership in 1921, but was down to one car in 1922. He saw a need for a parcel delivery service in Racine, so he used his last car to start a parcel delivery business. By the mid-1920s he had a partner and several vehicles. Once in the building at 1215 State Street the business expanded and to include moving and storage. After World War II A. W. Eastman returned home from the war and joined the business, becoming president in the 1950s. In 1977 his son, James Eastman, left teaching and entered the business and became president in 1982..." Preservation Racine News, Volume 18, Spring 2020.
Bibliographic References:Racine Landmarks brochure, 2003. Renewing Our Roots: The Northside, Racine, Wisconsin, Preservation-Racine, Inc., not dated. Preservation Racine News, Volume 18, Spring 2020.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".