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1223 - 1225 New York Ave | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

1223 - 1225 New York Ave

Architecture and History Inventory
1223 - 1225 New York Ave | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:John H. Allan Seed Co.
Other Name:
Reference Number:122513
Location (Address):1223 - 1225 New York Ave
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1910
Additions: 1917
Survey Date:20022020
Historic Use:industrial building
Architectural Style:Astylistic Utilitarian Building
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:2020-2024 Targeted Resurvey of Sheboygan recommendation write-up: This industrial complex is comprised of a three-story, brick building (1910) and a two-story, brick building (1911)—the two buildings were then connected via a three-story, brick addition in between the two buildings, which was completed in 1917. Regarding the 1910 building, which is topped with a low-pitched gabled roof, openings on all three levels, including the basement level, include segmental-arched window and door openings. Although some openings have been boarded over, a good number continue to retain their original six-over-six-light, double-hung sash. “John H. Allan Seed Co.,” ghost signage is still visible along both the north and east elevations. The addition to the west (which connects the buildings) largely replicates the openings seen on the 1910 block, less the first level, which employs rectangular windows. A later one-story addition extends from the rear of 1910 building. The 1911 building to the east is also topped with a low-pitched, gabled roof and features both rectangular and segmental-arched window openings. “Mayline Company, Inc.” ghost signage is barely visible beneath the wooden signage of the Wisconsin Bedding Co. The John H. Allan Seed Company formed in 1856 in Picton, Ontario, Canada, and handled only pea and bean seeds. In 1892, John Allan sold his interests in the firm and it moved to Jefferson County, New York. Ten years later, it moved to Sheboygan, locating its offices at 412 N. 7th Street (no longer extant). In 1909, the company was formally incorporated under the laws of the state with the following officers: E.M. Parmalee, president; W.B. Lucas, treasurer and A.L. Sommer, secretary. As of 1913, the local paper indicated that of their approximately 300 employees, 275 of them were women and girls. In 1910, the three-story warehouse building located today at 1223 New York Avenue was completed and, the following year an addition was made to the west. In 1928, the Allan Seed Co. and two of its competitors—the Everett B. Clark Seed Co. and N.B. Keeney & Son—merged to form the Associated Seed Growers, Inc., with headquarters located in New Haven, Connecticut. As combined, the company became the largest company engaged in the seed growing business. The brand name “Asgrow” was developed and the company formally changed its name to the Asgrow Seed Company in 1958. In 1968, Asgrow—which, to that time, remained in the New York Avenue complex--was acquired by The Upjohn Company and its headquarters was moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan. In 1970, Asgrow ceased operations in the facility.
Bibliographic References:LJM Architects, Inc. City of Sheboygan, Wisconsin: Architectural and Historical Intensive Survey Report. City of Sheboygan Historic Preservation Commission & Department of City Development; 2002, 2004 & 2006. Citations for the 2020-2024 Targeted Resurvey of Sheboygan recommendation write-up: A photo on the cover of a 1913-14 Prospectus for the John H. Allan Seed Co., as well as a 1916 advertisement for the John H. Allan Seed Co. confirms that there is space between the 1910 and the 1911 buildings, Prospectus on file at the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center and Advertisement, In The Sheboygan Press, 17 April 1916, 28. Newsbrief (re: new plant nearing completion), The Sheboygan Daily Press, 4 August 1910, 8; Newsbrief (re: work begun on addition), The Sheboygan Press, 26 May 1911, 8; “Official Notice: Building Permits Granted,” The Sheboygan Press, 18 June 1917, 2; “John H. Allan Seed Co. an Industry in Which This City Can Take Great Pride,” The Sheboygan Press, 10 April 1920, 1, 5; “Merger of Allan Seed Company,” The Sheboygan Press, 3 January 1928, 1; William Ahurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi, comps., History of the Soyfoods Movement Worldwide (1960s-2019): Extensively Annotated Bibliography and Sourcebook (Lafayette, CA: Soyinfo Center, 2019), 1236.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".