Property Record
Architecture and History Inventory
Historic Name: | Charlie and Mary Fenz Residence |
Other Name: | The Speakeasy |
Contributing: | |
Reference Number: | 131146 |
Location (Address): | 600 W BROWN DEER RD |
County: | Milwaukee |
City: | Bayside |
Township/Village: | |
Unincorporated Community: | |
Town: | 8 |
Range: | 22 |
Direction: | E |
Section: | 5 |
Quarter Section: | |
Quarter/Quarter Section: |
Year Built: | 1933 |
Additions: | |
Survey Date: | 200420122019 |
Historic Use: | house |
Architectural Style: | English Revival Styles |
Structural System: | |
Wall Material: | Limestone |
Architect: | |
Other Buildings On Site: | |
Demolished?: | Yes |
Demolished Date: | 2022 |
National/State Register Listing Name: | Not listed |
National Register Listing Date: | |
State Register Listing Date: |
Additional Information: | The rear elevation is sheathed with brick. The house is topped with a hipped roof covered with terra cotta barrel tile; exposed rafter tails accent the open eaves. The facade features a steeply pitched, projecting front-gabled entrance with a recessed, round-arched doorway that is surmounted by an arched, multiple-light window above. Tripartite window groupings are located on either side of the entrance and feature leaded glass, multiple-light casement windows accented by modern awnings. Second level windows, which break the roof line, consist of double-hung sashes set in paired and tripartite groupings. The one-story wing to the east is also topped with barrel tile and consists of diamond-paned windows; the wing is fronted by a modern canopied entrance that reads "The Speakeasy". The rear elevation is dominated by a large brick chimney and a 1980, wooden deck addition. A stone chimney rises from the west elevation. The house remained in the Fenz family until 1953 and from a least 1962 to present housed a bar/restaurant. The current owner Dean Bruel, bought the property from his father Fred Bruel, c.1980. His father bought it in 1962. It is currently also known as "The Speakeasy." 2019: Little or no change. Update photo. |
Bibliographic References: | Atlas, Town of Milwaukee (W.W. Hixson, 1930?), City Directories, Tax Rolls “Architecture and History Survey: I-43” WHS project number 12-0649/MI/OZ. 2012. Prepared by Mead & Hunt Inc. |
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin |