9?? Lawe Street (card 1 of 2) | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

9?? Lawe Street (card 1 of 2)

Architecture and History Inventory
9?? Lawe Street (card 1 of 2) | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Lawe Street Bascule Bridge
Other Name:Lawe Street Bascule Bridge
Reference Number:138975
Location (Address):9?? Lawe Street (card 1 of 2)
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1954
Survey Date:2006
Historic Use:steel beam or plate girder bridge
Architectural Style:
Structural System:Bascule
Wall Material:Metal
Architect: McMahon Engineering; M.B. Coifman
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Historic Preservation-Public History. Bridge also includes a Bridge Tender's Office (112/22).

February 2006-Many bridges across the Fox River and its companion navigation canal have been built over the years. The subject bridge is one of the more recent, having been constructed in 1954-1955 on a north/south axis. It is a double leaf, simple trunnion bascule structure, the overall length of which is 128 feet 10 inches. The bascule span is 73 feet long. The bridge has a clear roadway width of 22 feet, as well as a 3-foot 10-inch wide sidewalk on its east side. Its over all length, outer-edge-of-railing-to-outer-edge-of-railing, is 29 feet. The bascule spans are anchored by two moveable girders, between which are five, 24 inch by 12 inch, floor "I" beams. Situated atop the beams and perpendicular to them are 14 inch by 7 inch, "I" beam deck stringers.

Located at the southwest corner of the structure is the bridge tender's office (AHI #138976). It is a three-level edifice, the lowest one of which is thought to provide access to the mechanics of the bridge's south side. The second level permits entry from the street, while the third level contains the office which provides the operator with a view of both the waterway and Lawe Street. The utilitarian structure was built of concrete, aluminum and glass. It is 16 feet 7 inches long, 11 feet 9 inches wide and rises 13 feet 3 inches above the sidewalk. Bridge contractors associated with the structure#25;s construction included Lakeside Bridge & Steel, Milwaukee, McMahon Engineering, Menasha, M.B. Coifman, Milwaukee, and McMullen & Pitz Construction Company, Manitowoc.

The structure was built in 1954-55. It employs a simple trunnion bascule form. Indeed, with its relatively recent construction date, the bridge is not discussed in Hess and Frame's report on moveable bridges in Wisconsin. Although the bridge is just over 50 years old, it employs a common structural and mechanical form. It is considered a surveyable entity that does not require a DOE.

Resurveyed December 2010; no visible changes.
Bibliographic References:.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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