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N4532 MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
N4532 MAIN ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Other Name:
Reference Number:140142
Location (Address):N4532 MAIN ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:NE
Quarter/Quarter Section:SW
Year Built:1900
Survey Date:2002
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Gabled Ell
Structural System:
Wall Material:Clapboard
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:April 2002-Situated on the north bank of the Pine River, the property includes a residence immediately east of STH 49/Main Street, as well as a two-car garage and small shed (Appendix A-2, A-2, and A-3). The oldest of three elements associated with the property is the house, constructed ca. 1900. The house is reputed to have been the residence of members of the Paulson family, one-time owners of the local saw and grist mill.

Oriented parallel to the main road by the wing element of the gabled ell form, the one-and-one-half-story house is an example of vernacular gabled ell form residence. Subsequent additions to the to the original building include a one-story half-hipped roof porch extending from the front, east façade of the house. Extending from the north façade of the front addition is an open entry covered by a simple half-hipped roof resting on a single plain wood post. A second one-story addition, also topped by a half-hipped roof, extends from the rear of the main building. Exterior walls of the house are clad with clapboard siding and the roof with asphalt shingles. Most windows on the house appear to have been replaced with double hung one over one aluminum sashes, although the early three over one forms of the front enclosed porch are probably original to the porch addition. Windows on the original portion of the house have simple pedimented window surrounds, with the remaining windows boasting plain wood surrounds.

Situated immediately east of the house is a one-story gable front garage. Constructed ca. 1940, the two-car garage is oriented perpendicular to the asphalt-paved driveway. Exterior walls of the garage are clad with horizontal wood sheathing and the roof with sheet roll. Fenestration includes two pairs of side-hinged wood doors across the front, north façade of the garage. The only visible window is a nine-light window placed near the south corner of the west building façade.

The final structure associated with the property is the small woodshed. Oriented parallel to the main road by its side-gable roof, the shed is situated at the western edge of the property and largely obscured from the road by surrounding mature trees. Exterior walls of the shed are clad with horizontal wood sheathing and the roof with asphalt shingles. Visible fenestration on the small structure includes a doorway at the west corner of the north façade and a double hung six over six sash window at the center of the west façade.
Bibliographic References:
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".