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1415 S 92ND ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

1415 S 92ND ST

Architecture and History Inventory
1415 S 92ND ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:St. Aloysius Catholic Convent
Other Name:St. Aloysius Catholic Convent
Reference Number:143623
Location (Address):1415 S 92ND ST
City:West Allis
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1953
Survey Date:2007
Historic Use:monastery, convent, religious retreat
Architectural Style:Contemporary
Structural System:
Wall Material:Limestone
Architect: Brust & Brust
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:As can be seen in the photo on file, in 2007, the convent building was having some renovation work done.

This church complex is comprised of a church (at 1405 S. 92nd Street, AHI#143621), school (1435 S. 92nd Street, AHI#143673), rectory (1414 S. 93rd Street, AHI#143622), convent (1415 S. 92nd Street, AHI#143623) and gymnasium (1441 S. 92nd Street), all of which were built between 1926 and 1964. The oldest building on the grounds is the original, two-story, brick church and school building which was built in 1926. Although the structure still remains on the grounds, it has been almost fully encapsulated by subsequent school additions made in 1938 and 1947. The school is a modest example of Collegiate Gothic design. A two-story rectory (1949) sheathed with both brick and stone is located along S. 93nd Street. Windows are generally paired examples and are regularly placed and the styling of the structure is a Colonial Revival-Contemporary hybrid. Also featuring this mixture of architectural styling and combination of brick and stone sheathing is the two-story convent, which was constructed in 1953. Located along S. 92nd Street and opposite the rectory, the convent is currently undergoing some renovations; however, it is believed that it should still maintain its original styling. Built in 1957, the church is situated at the northernmost edge of the parcel (along W. Greenfield Avenue) and is Contemporary in design. The church#25;s exterior features a mixture of Lannon stone and Indiana limestone; these heavy materials are offset by the use of both clear and stained glass. Finally, Gonzaga Hall, a gym and community center, was added in 1964 and is located along S. 92nd Street.

As the population of West Allis was expanding along with its industrial growth, the need for a Catholic church on the west side of the city was identified. In April of 1920, fifteen prospective parishioners met at Holy Assumption Hall to discuss the creation of a new church. Shortly thereafter, the entire block between S. 92nd and S. 93rd streets and Greenfield Avenue to Orchard Street was purchased. Two military barracks were purchased and placed on the parcel and so began the original St. Aloysius church and school. In just six years, the former barracks could no longer appropriately accommodate the congregation and a two-story brick building was erected; the first floor was utilized as the church, while the school was located on the upper level. By 1937, the congregation boasted 600 families as members and 500 pupils in its schools. The following year an eight-room addition was made to the school along S. 92nd Street; additional classrooms were added along S. 93rd Street in 1947. Just two years later a new rectory was added to the complex and in 1953, a convent was constructed. In 1957, the Contemporary-style church was built along S. Greenfield Avenue and, in 1964, Gonzaga Hall was built along S. 92nd Street. Most, if not all, of the church buildings were designed by the architectural firm of Brust & Brust. St. Aloysius was responsible for the birth of two other West Allis congregations, Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1948 and, ten years later, Mary Queen of Peace.
Bibliographic References:See AHI#143621 for bib info. Original plans on file at the Wisconsin Architectural Archive, 2nd floor, East wing, Milwaukee Public (Central) Library, Milwaukee.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".