900 N HARTWELL AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
900 N HARTWELL AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Arcadian Bottling Works
Other Name:Arcadian Springs Apartments
Reference Number:16784
Location (Address):900 N HARTWELL AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1885
Additions: 1891 1977
Survey Date:1982
Historic Use:industrial building
Architectural Style:Queen Anne
Structural System:
Wall Material:Limestone
Architect: Col. Stephen V. Shipman
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Arcadian Bottling Works
National Register Listing Date:10/28/1983
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:Multiple Resources of Waukesha
Additional Information:The Arcadian Bottling Works Complex consisted of bottling house, spring house, and warehouse structures, constructed of randomly coursed ashlar. The bottling house, designed by Stephen Shipman, is two stories in height, plus attic. A steeply pitched gable roof, originally ornamented with decorative shingles and cresting covers the building. A three-story tower adjoins the structue and contains rectangular windows on the first two stories (set beneath stone lintels) and semicircular openings (with stone voussoirs), which contain three part windows on the thrid story. Rectangular windows with stone lintels and sills are also included on the main two stories of the bottling house. The structure is in excellent condition.

A warehouse building, located south of the bottling house was originally two stories in height, with a flat roof.

The Arcadian Bottling Works has been converted to apartment units, and substantially altered to accommodate the change in function. An attic level and gable roof as well as a stairtower has been added to the warehouse structure. In addition, fenestration has been altered. It was owned in 1982 by Arcadian Springs Associates (c/o B. A. Binkowski, 315 W. Gorham St., Madison, WI 53703).

Another map code is City Map #56.

Historical Statement:

The Arcadian Springs apartments were created in 1977 by rehabilitating the old Arcadian Bottling works, one of the last remaining plants from the Srongs Era and the earliest.

The Arcadian Spring was opened across Hartwell Avenue from the bottling works in 1885 by J. R. Anderson, who with his brother, had been involved in the development of the Silurian Springs Park. It was Anderson who built the original portion of the bottling works shortly after the springhouse. [B, C].

In 1891, Henry W. Phelps purchased the spring and bottling works forming the Waukesha Arcadian Company. Prior to 1895, Phelps expanded the plant and began manufacturing soda pop. In 1907, Albert O. Trostel, a Milwaukee tanner, and a group of Milwuakee businessmen purchased the works, renaming it the Roxo Beverage Company. The 1933 Sanborn map indicates that the south wing of the complex was added in 1930. In 1967, this company was purchased by the Bon Ton at that time. In 1977, the building was rehabilitated for apartments. Despite the exterior modifications mentioned above, the historical integrity of the complex remains unchanged.
Bibliographic References:A. 1895 Sanborn Perris Map. B. Waukesha Freeman, Nov. 4, 1888. C. Wuakesha Freeman, March 1, 1977. D. The Arcadian Mineral Spring, Waukesha Wisc. (Chicago: Knight & Leonard 1885). E. 1933 Sanborn Map. F. ELM GROVE ELM LEAVES 9/12/1996.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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